[spectre] MARS PATENT: Chiara Passa on Mars too!

Chiara Passa chiapa at libero.it
Thu Apr 21 12:58:51 CEST 2005

Give culture a second chance, go to MARS and your eyes will be travelling at the speed of light to an interplanetarian experience!



"...is a digital manipulation of a missile. The missile turn into a very
synthetic-basic architecture: I call it 'compression-container'..."

Mars House Prototype

by Chiara Passa  

Teleportation: Monday, April 11, 2005  12:00 a.m.  (GMT)


Don't miss it and go:
click the 'new' button...

The first interplanetarian exhibition site on Mars
founded by Helene von Oldenburg and Claudia Reiche

You are invited: send your things to the Mars Patent -
Attention, female names only!

mail to: 
office at mars-patent.org

Chiara Passa
chiapa at libero.it 

Navighi a 4 MEGA e i primi 3 mesi sono GRATIS. 
Scegli Libero Adsl Flat senza limiti su http://www.libero.it

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