[spectre] Copyright in France : petition against new law coming soon

saij netart info at saij-netart.net
Wed Dec 7 21:43:56 CET 2005


Sorry for crossposting.

Here the link (in english) giving some information about the new law 
the copyright in France :

Even if not directly said, the result will be to threaten the free/open 
source softwares
and movement. Consequently the diffusion and sharing of culture and 
will be drastically reduced.

It will be great to have the support of all the artists involved in the 
"free" culture :
open source programmers, copyleft and creative commons activists,...
Just sign the petition, click on the banner :
"signez et faites signer la petition eucd.info"
then click on :
"signer la petition"
and give :
your name : "nom"
first name : "prenom"
information like activity, town or country : "informations 
complémentaires" (optional)
email adress : "adresse electronique"
Send the message : ">>signer<<"
you will get a message back for confirmation ("demande de confirmation")
just click on the link.

Feel free to copy and diffuse the message on other mailing lists.

Thank you for your help.

Isabel Saij
Copyleft activist 

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