[spectre] Wearable Futures: Call for Abstracts Deadline 14th March (Modified by Geert Lovink)

Helen Sloan helen at scansite.org
Mon Mar 7 14:20:25 CET 2005


Wearable Futures: Hybrid Culture in the Design and Development of Soft

An Event organised by Smart Clothes Wearable Technology Research Group,
University of Wales, Newport and PDR, University of Wales Institute 
in association with SCAN (Southern Collaborative Arts Network)

14 - 16 September 2005, University of Wales, Newport, WALES, UK

Suzanne Lee, Senior Research Fellow at Central Saint Martins, Fashion
Consultant and author of Fashioning the Future pub Thames and Hudson 
Joanna Berzowska, Artist and Assistant Professor of Design and 
Arts at Concordia University in Montreal
Sarah E. Braddock Clarke, Lecturer, Curator and Writer. Co Author of 
Textiles, SportsTech and Techno Textiles2 pub 2005
Chris Baber University of Birmingham, Reader in Interactive Systems

Deadline for Abstracts: 14th March 2005

This two day International conference will aim to contextualise the 
potential of Wearable Technologies in a variety of fields ranging from
military application to fine art.

Wearable Futures is an interdisciplinary conference, which aims to bring
together practitioners, inventors, and theorists in the field of soft
technology and wearables including those concerned with fashion, 
sportswear, interaction design, media and live arts, medical textiles,
wellness, perception and psychology, IPR, polymer science, 
military, and other relevant research strands.

We will be examining how some broad generic questions will be explored 
relation to wearable technology including but not restricted to: 
and design, function and durability versus market forces; the desires,
needs and realities of wearable technologies; technology and culture;
simplicity and sustainability; design for wearability; wearables as 
and wearables as emotional 'tools'.
Key fundamental questions across the conference in relation to wearables

What is out there?
Who wants it?
What do they want?
How is it achieved?

Please submit an abstract of no more than 400 words in a Word document
format by: 14th March 2005 to: hannah.topping at newport.ac.uk

For further information please refer to the conference website:

Abstracts and full papers will be peer reviewed and if accepted 
in the Conference Proceedings. A selection from the full papers will 
be considered for publication in a themed addition of the international
journal 'A.I. & Society' (SPRINGER)

Abstracts may be offered as long papers (30 minutes includes questions),
short papers (20 minutes includes questions) or for poster 
Poster presentations are particularly welcomed from postgraduate 

NB: Please note final submission for full papers has been changed to 6th
June 2005

Committee currently includes:

Chris Baber, Reader, University of Birmingham
Joanna Berzowska, Assistant Professor, University in Montreal
Sarah E. Braddock Clarke, Author & Lecturer
Julia Cassim, Helen Hamlyn Research Centre, Royal College of Art
Andrew Chetty, Arts Consultant
Carole Collet, Director Textile Futures, Central Saint Martins College 
Art and Design
Joan Farrer, Reader, Royal college of Art
Frances Geesin, Research Fellow, London College of Fashion
Rory Hamilton, Interactive Design, Royal college of Art
Jane Harris, Senior Research Fellow, Central Saint Martins College of 
and Design
Ros Hibbert, Textile Consultant
Suzanne Lee, Senior Research Fellow, Central Saint Martins College of 
and Design
Alan Lewis, Director of Research,  University of Wales Institute Cardiff
Jane McCann, Researcher, University of Wales, Newport
Stephen Scrivener, Research Professor,  Central Saint Martins College of
Art and Design
Mick Siddons, Consultant, CR8ive Solutions Ltd
Helen Sloan, Director, SCAN
David Smith, Reader, University of Wales, Newport

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