[spectre] Issue #9 of cut.up.magazine is now online

Bas Van Heur basvanheur at gmx.net
Wed Mar 9 22:25:51 CET 2005

Avant-garde, mediated intervention and the city. Edition #9 of
cut.up.magazine is now online at http://www.cut-up.com

Five new articles – two long ones, so take your time. Only one in English
and four in Dutch, but just try it! Go Dutch!
Being Absolute Avant-Garde, Again! (Gideon Boie en Matthias Pauwels aka
Flitsarchitecten in het Popmodernisme - stedelijke (denk)beelden van
videoclips (Alex de Jong en Marc Schuilenburg);
Overwegingen bij een Kwijnende Avant-garde (Peter Bruyn);
Every Musician Should Have His Own Record Label (Sjoerd Yedema);
De Vrolijke Schilderkunst (Peter Stufkens).

BAVO, Zhong Biaoart en Peter Stufkens.

Reviews (music, theory, media-art):
Appear all the time. So please feel free to visit us on a daily basis and
read for example on:
Populism, Venetian Snares, Atomic Hooligan, BLUE4COLDRED4WARM, Y4K, Soldout,
Kitsune X, Chocolate Fairy, Omski, Mod X vs Paul Murphy, Danny S., Viva
Stereo and Gary Winogrand and the American Streetphotographers.

As always: let us know what you think of this new edition, about mediated
life in general, on your last visit to the cinema and your neighbors’ music.

info at cut-up.com
postbus 313
2000 AH Haarlem

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