[spectre] Applebaum, The Gulag: Lest We Forget

Aliette Guibert guibertc at criticalsecret.com
Sun Mar 20 17:43:20 CET 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bas Van Heur" <basvanheur at gmx.net>
To: <spectre at mikrolisten.de>
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: [spectre] Applebaum, The Gulag: Lest We Forget

> hello all,
> I find it hard to even start criticizing these rather, uhm, boring
> Isn't it about time to develop an alternative to these overtly dramatic
> post-Baudrillard rhetorics? Yes, of course, it is important to recognize
> horrors conducted in the name of civilization in the past and, yes, of
> course it is important to recognize similar horrors being conducted in the
> present.
> At the same time, what about thinking through all these problematics with
> certain sense of specificity and differentiation? "A global and multifield
> war" . "Allies by the rules of the supranational organizations" (what
> supranational organizations? Amnesty International? Or Shell Oil?) .

Of course not amnesty international but this does not decide of the world
acted by the commercial and ideological lobbies holding the decision of the
weapons even ATTAC or others would guard us of the worst :))

Anyway Baudrillard is not a militant structure nor organization to a
militant thought. Even he could be "naturally" -not certainly: obviously-
post-dialectical. So you could miss anything of the reference; anyway you
make me in a laugh (fortunatly or I couls cry front of such an agressive
reaction). The solution which you could adree could be : because we already
returned to the political economy since the fall of the wall fo the cold
year, I propose that we follow the evolution up to the criticism of the
political economy to replay the insdutrial era nowadays, as you would appear
to propose it to us through the benefactions of the international
universalism transformed in the global universalism, and both opposing
social poles of the war of the rich and the poor men or of the experts and
the imbeciles as post-baudrillardian event of the war of class, they will be
reconciled for ever as eternal solutions to the conflict of class under the
dominion of the well.

Otherway I coudl enjoy the Queer.

What truth you hold and what judgment the same as coming from God you tell
and ordering to "all"?

I am not depressive I hope for structures where it does not dominate a
dominion of the men by other men - even any experts : in terms of action and
pragmatical thought to the society and its mode of life.

There is not good or bad thought, there is a debate with respective
explanations and answers, or there is a dictatorship in any terms near this
: "hello all ! I hold the truth, she is wrong etcetcetc : please kill her !"

Media lynching.

Sorry I leave this question in such a regressive dispositive and voice of
intransitive answer which signs from a predictable power. I do not support
the power. I hate lynching : anyway it is the weapon of the absence of
thought. (Exactly missing in real reading your mail ; looking to come from a
person of the informing and of the charge).

Can answer to me or to the list but from ma part I do outside to see the sun
still shining.

Have a good day and especially please, digest your meal of Sunday noon, at
the European GMT hour.

Sorry to all. I shall keep silent front of this subject to the future.


> general plasticity of post-economical causes" etcetera etcetera etcetera.
> This kind of "let's perform the antithesis"-French theory might do well
> among self-proclaimed cultural pessimists in the United States and France,
> but it is completely unproductive and, above all, increasingly predictable
> and uncreative.
> Best,
> Bas van Heur
> editor / cut.up.magazine / www.cut-up.com

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