[spectre] call: ACM Multimedia Conference, 6-12 Nov 2005, Singapore

Andreas Broeckmann abroeck at transmediale.de
Tue Mar 22 10:29:21 CET 2005

ACM Multimedia Conference
6-12 November 2005

Contact: ajaimes at ee.columbia.edu

ACM Multimedia              2005 is the premier              annual 
multimedia conference, covering all aspects of multimedia 
computing. The ACM MM Interactive Art Program seeks to bring 
together the arts and multimedia communities to create the stage to 
explore, discuss, and push the limits for the advancement of both 
multimedia technology through the arts, and the arts through 
multimedia technology.

The Interactive Art              Program will              consist of 
a conference              track and an art              exhibition . 
We invite artists working with              digital media and 
researchers in technical areas              to submit their original 
contributions to the following              tracks:

-      Conference              track: we              solicit papers 
describing interactive multimedia art works, tools, 
applications, and technical approaches for creative uses of 
multimedia content and technology. Emphasis will be given to novel 
works that use a rich variety of media and those that are 
interactive, particularly works that exploit non-conventional 
human-computer interfaces or sensors in new and emerging areas. We 
strongly encourage papers with a strong technical content written by 

-      Multimedia              art exhibition: "Presence/Absence." We 
seek art works that use multimedia to explore              issues of 
location, relocation and dislocation, particularly where 
multimedia technology overcomes or reinforces physical presence or 
separation. The emphasis for the exhibition is on interactive art 
works that realize powerful artistic concepts using multimedia 
content and technologies. See the exhibition statement.

Accepted papers will be published in the              ACM Multimedia 
Conference proceedings.

A selection of the works accepted to the              art program 
will be published in a Leonardo Gallery in the Leonardo 
Journal and on line in the Leonardo Electronic Almanac.

The conference will              be held at the Hilton Hotel in 
Singapore (art exhibition location              TBA).

Important              Dates

May 16, 2005               Registration of              abstracts for 
full papers.

May 23, 2005               Long papers and art 
exhibition submission deadline.

June 20, 2005              Short papers              submission deadline.

August 22, 2005           Notification of              acceptance.     

August 29, 2005           Camera-ready papers due.

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