[spectre] INS archive updated - new material available online

Andreas Broeckmann abroeck at transmediale.de
Tue Mar 29 12:31:39 CEST 2005

(INS is the International Necronautical Society ... brilliant 
project! Greetings, Inke)

From: "Tom McCarthy" <tom at envoi.demon.co.uk>
To: "Tom McCarthy" <tom at envoi.demon.co.uk>
Subject: INS archive updated - new material available online
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 16:06:22 +0100

Dear INS Friends and Associates,

     The INS website at 
<http://www.necronauts.org/>http://www.necronauts.org/ has been 
updated. An official statement from the INS Propaganda Dept is 
forthcoming, but this is just an unofficial mail to let you know that 
images of the spectacular INS Radio Broadcasting Unit at the ICA 
('Calling All Agents') are up, plus transcripts of the famous 'Flight 
Loop' script of 11/04/04. Also, the notorious 2003 'Denunciations and 
Appointments' document and 'Art and Democracy' Proclamation are 
there. So, too, is recent INS press coverage, including Marcus 
Verhagen's 2004 'Art Monthly' feature, Diana Baldon's 2004 'Untitled' 
feature and Rafaella Malaguti's 2004 'Il Manifesto' feature (in 

     Very best and please excuse cross-posting,

     Tom McC x

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