[spectre] robakowski@kurzfilmtage oberhausen
wro at wrocenter.pl
Tue May 3 10:23:46 CEST 2005
Jozef Robakowski - Energetic images. Biomechanical recordings
curator: Piotr Krajewski
May 6th, 7th + 9th, Lihtburg Filmpalast, Elsasser Str 26, Oberhausen
Jozef Robakowski is one of the foremost and most influential figures
in contemporary Polish art. He is an artist, art historian,
experimental film and video maker, photographer, draughtsman, author
of objects, installations, conceptual projects and a publisher. Since
1959, he has been a regular participant in art exhibitions, film
festivals and new media festivals, including Documenta 6 (Kassel
1977), Film as Film (London 1979), Sydney Biennale (1982), Europa
Europa (Bonn 1994) and the WRO Media Art Biennale (Wroclaw 1989 -
2005). He has also taken part in events organized by biggest museums
and prestigous galleries such as MoMa (New York), Centre Georges
Pompidou (Paris), De Appel Amsterdam, and in Poland Center for
Contemporary Art (Warsaw) and Art Museum, Lodz. His graphic works,
tapes and installations are featured in many art collections around
the world.
Since 1959, he has been a regular participant in art exhibitions,
film festivals and new-media festivals, including Documenta 6 (Kassel
1977), Film as Film (London 1979), Sydney Biennale (1982), Europa
Europa (Bonn 1994) and the WRO Media Art Biennale (Wroclaw 1989 and
2003). He has also taken part in events organized by the Contemporary
Art Center (Warsaw), the Museum of Modern Art (New York), Centre
Georges Pompidou (Paris) and numerous other galleries, and his work
is featured in many art collections around the world.
Together with curator Piotr Krajewski, he has compiled three programs
especially for Oberhausen - making the most extensive till now show
of his works in Europe. Light, performance and the very own cinema in
which the artist relates to his immediate reality, form themes of
individual programs that make the gamut of his realizations from Test
I (1971) to the The Energy Manifesto (2003) and Attention LIGHT!
Light, performances and the realities of how the artistre lates to
his immediate surroundings form the themes of the individual
programmes, which run the gamut from Test I (1971) to the The Energy
Manifesto (2003) and Attention LIGHT! (2004).
Friday, May 6th, 17.00
Attention: LIGHT! (For Paul Sharits)
Saturday, May 7th, 20.00
The Bio-mechanical Recordings. Film and Video Performance
Monday, May 9th, 12.30
My Very Own Cinema. Operations on Reality
Jozef Robakowski - Obrazy energetyczne. Zapisy Bio-Mechaniczne.
kurator: Piotr Krajewski
6, 7 + 9 Maja
Lihtburg Filmpalast, Elsasser Str 26, Oberhausen
Jozef Robakowski jest jedna z najwazniejszych i najbardziej
wplywowych postaci sztuki wspolczesnej w Polsce. Artysta, historyk
sztuki, fotografik, autor filmow eksperymentalnych i video, obiektow,
instalacji, projektow konceptualnych, rysownik, dzialacz artystyczny,
Od w 1959 roku bral udzial w licznych wystawach sztuki, festiwalach
filmowych i nowych mediow, m in Documenta 6 (Kassel 1977), Film As
Film, (London 1979), Sydney Biennale 1982, EUROPA, EUROPA (Bonn 1994)
i wielokrotnie na WRO Media Art Biennale (1989 - 2005), uczestniczyl
w wydarzeniach organizowanych przez najwieksze muzea i prestizowe
galerie, w tym MoMA, New York, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, czy De
Appel, Amsterdam, w Polsce zas CSW Zamek Ujazdowski w Warszawie czy
Muzeum Sztuki w ¸odzi. Jego prace od grafik i fotografii po tasmy i
instalacje znajduja sie w wielu swiatowych kolekcjach sztuki
Wspolnie z kuratorem Piotrem Krajewskim artysta przygotowal
specjalnie dla Oberhausen trzyczesciowe czesciowa prezentacje -
stanowiaca jak do tej pory najbardziej obszerny pokaz jego prac w
Swiatlo, performance i kino wlasne w ktorym artysta kieruje sie ku
najblizej otaczajacej go rzeczywistosci, sa tematami osobnych pokazow
ukazujacych pelna game realizacji od Test I (1971) do Manifestu
Energetycznego (2003) i Uwaga: SWIATLO! (2004).
(piatek) 6 maja, 17.00
Uwaga: SWIATLO! (dla Paula Sharitsa)
(sobota) 7 maja, 20.00
Zapisy bio-mechaniczne. Film- i video- performance
(poniedzialek) 9 maja, 12.30
Kino wlasne. Operacje na realnosci.
WRO Center for Media Art
54-137 Wroclaw 16; P.O. Box 1385
tel.: + 71 344 83 69; tel./fax: + 71 342 26 91
<mailto:info at wrocenter.pl>info at wrocenter.pl
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