[spectre] Re: the media art center of 21C [u]

Geert Lovink [c] geert at xs4all.nl
Wed Oct 5 15:47:32 CEST 2005

> From: Dewayne Hendricks <dewayne at warpspeed.com>
> Original URL: <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/10/04/
> mit_media_lab_ireland/>
> Ireland counts the cost of MIT Media Lab fiasco
> By Andrew Orlowski in San Francisco (andrew.orlowski at
> theregister.co.uk)
> Published Tuesday 4th October 2005 22:11 GMT
> The Irish government invested $40m of taxpayers' money in MIT's
> Media's Lab Europe - and has bugger all to show for it.
> A report by the Republic's public auditor-general also reveals that
> Media Lab executives awarded themselves large severance pay-offs when
> the money was running out, and refused to refund public money as the
> original agreement had specified.
> Eire's comptroller called the output of the Media Lab over five years
> "dismal". The Lab netted only €7m in sponsorship and saw just 24
> scientific papers published. In addition, 12 patents filed by the Lab
> are worthless. The Lab added nothing to Ireland's education drive
> while it went its merry way, and after liquidation will leave the
> Republic with just €300,000 in assets.
> The European Media Lab was launched at the height of the tech bubble
> but closed its doors in January this year. Its output may disappoint
> the Irish government, but it won't surprise anyone familiar with the
> original MIT Media Lab.
> [snip]
> Weblog at: <http://weblog.warpspeed.com>

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