[spectre] TRACING UNDERCURRENTS: Sonic Routes Between

Ewen Chardronnet ewen at altern.org
Fri Oct 14 10:44:04 CEST 2005

I'm OK with click&cut musicians coming from Israel, but what I found the 
most annoying is that by reading the text, it sounds to me a bit like 
ministry of tourism... " Israel, being a country of immigrants boasts a 
culturally rich and diverse tradition"... or "tracing routes in-between 
Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv"... there is no clear references to Palestine as 
a state in the description, only Jerusalem as a town where there is a 
"conflict" that pushes people to "move"... Also it sounds a big deal 
moving from Jerusalem to Tel-Aviv... but there is only 62 kilometers 
between the 2 cities... and west Jerusalem is still an enclave in West 
Bank... I don't see the colourfull soundscapes of these "routes" to trace...


read it again :

TRACING UNDERCURRENTS invites you to sample the diversity of the Israeli 
experimental sound scene.

Israel, being a country of immigrants boasts a culturally rich and 
diverse tradition. However, more often than not these expressions have 
been limited to the more traditional arts. The mid-nineties however, 
have seen a surge in experimental audio work, coming especially from 
Jerusalem. In addition independent labels flourished in Jerusalem, a 
city which is in effect the conflict embodied and has seen many of its 
young people move abroad or to cosmopolitan Tel-Aviv. Tracing 
Undercurrents tries to map the cultural and musical diversity of 
contemporary experimental music…tracing routes in-between Jerusalem and 
Tel-Aviv, looking for aesthetic convergences and differences, and 
probing the contextual conditions for experimental sound production in 
Israel. For the first time it brings 11 young cutting-edge performers to 
The Netherlands whose musical repertoires range from electro-pop, clicks 
and cuts, noise, to experimental DJ sets and experimental electronic 
delicacies. In composition, as in its diversity “Tracing Undercurrents” 
is unique and a premiere for Europe.

sascha brossmann a écrit :

>On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 09:42:50AM +0200, helen evans wrote:
>>Isn't a cultural boycott the very least we can do? A peaceful economic 
>>response that hurts Israeli pockets and pride...
><sigh!> *whose* pockets and *whose* pride, actually?
>this is getting *very* annoying...

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