[spectre] project for the artistic and cultural exchange 2006

VisualArts night info at visualartsnight.it
Thu Oct 27 08:33:30 CEST 2005

project for the artistic and cultural exchange 2006

with the financing of the European Union

proyecto por el cambio art’stico y cultural 2006

la asociaci—n no-profit VisualArts night organiza, en Italia, 
exposiciones de arte para artistas europeos

los artistas y las asociaciones Êpodr‡n ser insertados en el web-site 
del proyecto y participar en exposiciones y otras iniciativas

por informaciones mandadas preguntas o material, im‡genes y textos 
introductores, a: info at visualartsnight.it

project for the artistic and cultural exchange 2006

the association no-profit VisualArts night organizes, in Italy, 
exposures of art for European artists

the artists and the associations can be inserted in the web-site of 
project and they can participate to exposures and other initiatives

for information send questions or material (images and introductory 
texts) to: info at visualartsnight.it

projet pour l'Žchange artistique et culturel 2006

l'association non-profit VisualArts night organise, en Italie, 
expositions d'art pour artistes europŽens

les artistes et les associations seront insŽrŽs dans le site-web du 
projet et ils pourront participer ˆ expositions et autres initiatives

pour demander renseignements ou envoyer matŽriel, images et textes 
introductifs: info at visualartsnight.it

plan fŸr den Kunst und Kultur Austausch 2006

die Vereinigung no-profit VisualArts night organisiert in Italien

Ausstellungen von Kunst fŸr europŠische KŸnstler

die KŸnstler und die Vereinigungen werden im web-site des Planes 
eingestecktÊ und sie kšnnen an Ausstellungen und anderen Initiativen 

um AuskŸnfte zu verlangen oder materiell schicken Bilder und 
einleitende Texte: info at visualartsnight.it

the project synthesis


visual expressions from illustration to paintingÊ

ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ forms and volumes between sculpture and designÊ

digitals and multimedia, photo and video-artÊ


head quarter in Milan, ItalyÊ

resources and relationships with the artists

press & media office, public relationsÊ

events coordination


It's actually operative the web-portal www.vanarte.it (ItalianÊ language)


from February 2006

opening of web source vanarte.com (5 languages: Italian, English, 
French, German and Spanish) with virtual gallery of works and profile 
artists, calendar events, news and information, special areas and 
interactive formsÊ


15 exp˜ and special events distributed in 5 different Italian cities 
(Bologna, Milan, Rome, Venice, Naples) Êwith multimedia solutions

realization of communication issues, flyer/depliant, posterÊ

realization of promotion and informazion campaign

from Andrea Bressan

president and art-director of VisualArts night association

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