[spectre] NEW location - meeting about media art center of 21C

Andreas Broeckmann abroeck at transmediale.de
Thu Sep 1 10:34:22 CEST 2005

dear friends,

the space at the Kunstuni is not available after all, but thanks to 
Ushi Reiter we have been offered a room by servus.at in the building 
of Stadtwerkstatt next to the ars electronica center.

so, finally, this is where the meeting will be:

3 sept 2005, 19:00 hrs

Servus ClubRoom (www.servus.at) / Kirchengasse 4
Firstfloor Stadtwerkstatt in the Ars Electronica Quarter


servus.at is a noncommercial cultural backbone.  Our organisation
connects artists and cultural producers virtually and we organize
different workshops locally based on linux and open source software.

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