[spectre] Images / Vids for special issue on Netporn

Bas van Heur basvanheur at gmx.net
Sat Sep 10 16:02:32 CEST 2005

Dear list members,

It took a while, but we finally got the art module up and running at 
cut.up.magazine (http://www.cut-up.com).

With our art module now in place, we are now looking for ART / VISUALS 
DEALING WITH NETPORN for our special issue on netporn that will be 
published at the end of September.

For those interested in contributing, please not the following:
- files have to be in the following formats: *.jpg or *.swf.
- files should have the following size: 480 x 480 pixels.

You can send your contribution to bas at cut-up.com or basvanheur at gmx.net

Please write in your mail your name, name of the project, type of 
medium, date/year of project.

Thanks in advance!
Bas van Heur

btw Please forward this mail to anyone you think is interested in 

editor / cut.up.magazine / www.cut-up.com
lecturer / institute of media and representation / www.let.uu.nl/umr
weblog / hoerkoerper / www.hoerkoerper.blogspot.com

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