[spectre] Invitation to subscribe to iberoamerica-act

Jose-Carlos Mariategui jcm at ata.org.pe
Mon Sep 19 13:06:59 CEST 2005

Lista de Interés Iberoamericana de Arte, Nuevos Medios, Ciencia y Tecnología
Iberoamerican Mailing List on Art, New Media, Science and Technology

Subscribe at: iberoamerica-act-subscribe at yahoogroups.com

Created in January, 2001, Iberoamerica-act is the main mailing list on Latin
American electronic arts. It responded to the necessity of developing a
space of dialogue between artists, theoreticians and public in relation to
art, science and technology in the Iberoamerican region, extending voices to
participate in a multidirectional discussion.

Currently the list has around 350 members that in many cases share similar
realities and generate working strategies together.

Main language: Spanish / Portuguese

Subscribe at: iberoamerica-act-subscribe at yahoogroups.com

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