[spectre] [iDC]: Call for Interventions

Louise Desrenards louise.desrenards at free.fr
Sun Aug 6 23:49:59 CEST 2006

(not to tell of Iraq where Israel is not completely clear of the US torture
affair in Abu Graib)

>From Cisjordania and Gaza to Lebanon more Iraq more Syria more Iran: to
where will go the US-Israeli war? hope to find one man called terrorist
(exactly the name that was given by nazis and by the government of
collaboration to resistant secret soldiers) or Hezbollah which can be the
only  very cause all alone of the war? Till all destruction, an infinite
camp of dust without city and the roads rebuilt in pavements of fragments of
burnt bodies by napalm and chemical or laser bombs, till any living body has
disappeared in a sort that Israeli can be sure that no one Hezbollah can
stay alive because all the people has been killed (the name is security:
kill your neighbours and be safe)?

More not import the collateral damages in proper Israel? Because do not hope
that they will stop the rockets or the missiles if they are under following

You are exactly front of a nationalist resistance to autonomy and free life
in each sovereign territory; the name is "guerilla" which are exactly secret
soldiers, that never a State even the most powerful could win in the long
time: but Hitler ‹ at last USSR was his Stalingrad

Want absolutely win (overcome) a guerilla it drives more and more to extend
the war, further your home stronger your weapons you enter the jungle of the
incomprehension of returning violence look like the army of Napoleon or
colonial Fr in Indochina then Algeria, or US in Vietnam,

Even Americans learnt to stop the war against resistance in Viet Nam.

That Israeli "declare itself victorious" without worrying more and that they
leave at once Lebanon, then at once Hezbollah will return its weapons back
to the Lebanese army. This is called a ceasefire.

That Israel stop harassing Palestinians in Gaza and in the West Bank of
Jordan, and there will be no more vindictive refugees in the South Lebanon
nor somewhere else in the Middle East nor in the world where they are
waiting to return (the same at the time of the Armenian genocide young
Turkish authorized the escape while plugging on the passports the printed
stamp ³without possible return²).

That Israeli take charge of the development of their young women and men
instead of sending them be killed by harassing and killing the other

That Lebanese Shiites reconstruct their villages on their ground,

and Peace will be!

On 6/08/06 19:21, "sascha brossmann" <brsma.s at gmail.com> probably wrote:

> On 8/5/06, nat muller <nat at xs4all.nl> wrote:
> ...
> We call for an immediate
> end to the violence and destruction.
> We call on the international community
> to open its eyes - and on you to
> make your voice heard.
> ...

> how about 
> making your lovely voice heard to the hizbullah and friends
­ who are acting
> as if they were totally off-limits and above the law
in lebanon, using
> civilians as living shields, killing non-combattants
devoid of any hint of
> mercy and last but not least getting
continuously financed by e.g. iran and
> its beloved führer with quite
some money (ever wonder why those guys are quite
> well-equipped in the
arms department, huh?) ­ *as well*?

i. am. *so* *fed*
> *up* with this ongoing selective perception and lack
of reflection concerning
> the state of affairs in the middle east[1].

btw, i still wonder where all
> this moral outrage had been hiding when
e.g. the genocide in rwanda took
> place, where were and are they
concerning e.g. the still ongoing activities of
> the LRA in northern
uganda, where are they concerning all the other loads of
> shit that
happen day by day[2]Š oops, sorry, i always tend to forget: no
> jews
involved there. honi soitŠ
[1]  see e.g.
> http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGMDE150702006 for
some more balanced
> information
[2] see e.g.
> http://www.un.org/events/tenstories_2006/index.asp


> www.brsma.de :: ..: .:. . :.. ..:  .   .  .   .  .       .
:: public key id
> 0x2EA549A0 ::.. :: . .  .  . ..    .    .   .
:: fingerprint 0A0C AE42 62F5
> DB65 C5A1  E335 53FB 3888 2EA5 49A0

> ______________________________________________

    Editorials and Opinion in Hareetz that is not an activist newspaper

Tittles and abstracts (from the more recent till the earliest)

Escalation before the end
Haaretz Editorial
The closer opposing sides move toward a cease-fire, the more they escalate
their operations in order to improve their position before the situation is

Cease fire immediately
By Uzi Benziman
In this confrontation, we will not emerge clear winners. Hezbollah is about
to emerge from the battle smoke with the aura of one who did not succumb to
the IDF.

An announcement before eviction
By Zafrir Rinat
Some species only exist in Israel and harming them to the point of
extinction will mean they will forever disappear from the planet Earth.

The real estate war
By Gideon Levy
This miserable war in Lebanon, which is just getting more and more
complicated for no reason at all, was born in Israel's greed for land.

The deterrence thing
By Zvi Bar'el
When war is waged without discrimination, deterrence is meaningless; the
internal forces can no longer perform because they are under attack.

The interior minister as hero
By Ruth Sinai
Roni Bar-On said this week in Kiryat Shmona that every city worker in the
north who leaves their town or city is a deserter and therefore will not be

Entirely read them 


More a famous activist for the peace his name is (do you know?)

Uri Avnery
The Knife in the Back


THE DAY after the war will be the Day of the Long Knives.

Everybody will blame everybody else. The politicians will blame each other.
The generals will blame each other. The politicians will blame the generals.
And, most of all, the generals will blame the politicians.

Always, in every country and after every war, when the generals fail, the
"knife in the back" legend raises its head. If only the politicians had not
stopped the army just when it was on the point of achieving a glorious,
crushing, historic victoryŠ

That's what happened in Germany after World War I, when the legend gave
birth to the Nazi movement. That's what happened in America after Vietnam.
That's what is going to happen here. The first stirrings can already be

THE SIMPLE truth is that up to now, the 22nd day of the war, not one single
military target has been reached. The same army that took just six days to
rout three big Arab armies in 1967 has not succeeded in overcoming a small
"terrorist organization" in a time span that is already longer than the
momentous Yom Kippur War. Then, the army succeeded in just 20 days in
turning a stunning defeat at the beginning into a resounding military
victory at the end.

In order to create an image of achievement, military spokesmen asserted
yesterday that "we have succeeded in killing 200 (or 300, or 400, who is
counting?) of the 1000 fighters of Hizbullah." The assertion that the entire
terrifying Hizbullah consisted of one thousand fighters speaks for itself.

According to correspondents, President Bush is frustrated. The Israeli army
has not "delivered the goods". Bush sent them into war believing that the
powerful army, equipped with the most advanced American arms, will "finish
the job" in a few days. It was supposed to eliminate Hizbullah, turn Lebanon
over to the stooges of the US, weaken Iran and perhaps also open the way to
"regime change" in Syria. No wonder that Bush is angry.

Ehud Olmert is even more furious. He went to war in high spirits and with a
light heart, because the Air Force generals had promised to destroy
Hizbullah and their rockets within a few days. Now he is stuck in the mud,
and no victory in sight.

AS USUAL with us, at the termination of the fighting (and possibly even
before) the War of the Generals will start. The front lines are already

The commanders of the land army blame the Chief-of-Staff and the
power-intoxicated Air Force, who promised to achieve victory all by
themselves. To bomb, bomb and bomb, destroy roads, bridges, residential
quarters and villages, and - finito!

The followers of the Chief-of-Staff and the other Air Force generals will
blame the land forces, and especially Northern Command. Their spokesmen in
the media already declare that this command is full of inept officers, who
have been shunted there because the North seemed a backwater while the real
action was going on in the South (Gaza) and the Center (West Bank).

There are already insinuations that the Chief of Northern Command, General
Udi Adam, was appointed to his job only in homage to his father, General
Kuti Adam, who was killed in the First Lebanon War.

THE MUTUAL accusations are all quite right. This war is plastered with
military failures - in the air, on land and on the sea.

They are rooted in the terrible arrogance in which we were brought up and
which has become a part of our national character. It is even more typical
of the army, and reaches its climax in the Air Force.

For years we have told each other that we have the most-most-most army in
the world. We have convinced not only ourselves, but also Bush and the
entire world. After all, we did win an astounding victory in six days in
1967. As a result, when this time the army did not win a huge victory in six
days, everybody was astounded. Why, what happened?

One of the declared aims of this war was the rehabilitation of the Israeli
army's deterrence power. That really has not happened.

That¹s because the other side of the coin of arrogance is the profound
contempt for Arabs, an attitude that has already led to severe military
failures in the past. It's enough to remember the Yom Kippur war. Now our
soldiers are learning the hard way that the "terrorists" are highly
motivated, tough fighters, not junkies dreaming of "their" virgins in

But beyond arrogance and contempt for the opponent, there is a basic
military problem: it is just impossible to win a war against guerillas. We
have seen this in our 18-year stay in Lebanon. Then we drew the unavoidable
conclusion and got out. True, without good sense, without an agreement with
the other side. (We don't speak with terrorists, do we? - even if they are
the dominant force on the ground.) But we did get out.

God knows what gave today's generals the unfounded self-confidence to
believe that they would win where their predecessors failed so miserably.

And most of all: even the best army in the world cannot win a war that has
no clear aims. Karl von Clausewitz, the guru of military science, pronounced
that "war is nothing more than the continuation of politics by other means".
Olmert and Peretz, two complete dilettantes, have turned this inside out:
"War is nothing more than the continuation of the lack of policy by other

MILITARY EXPERTS say that in order to succeed in war, there must be (a) a
clear aim, (b) an aim that is achievable, and (c) the means necessary for
achieving this aim.

All these three conditions are lacking in this war. That is clearly the
fault of the political leadership.

Therefore, the main blame will be laid at the feet of the twins,
Olmert-Peretz. They have succumbed to the temptation of the moment and
dragged the state into a war, in a decision that was hasty, unconsidered and

As Nehemia Strassler wrote in Haaretz: They could have stopped after two or
three days, when all the world agreed that Hizbullah's provocation justified
an Israeli response, when nobody was yet doubting the capabilities of the
Israeli army. The operation would have looked sensible, sober and

But Olmert and Peretz could not stop. As greenhorns in matters of war, they
did not know that the boasts of the generals cannot be relied on, that even
the best military plans are not worth the paper on which they are written,
that in war the unexpected must be expected, that nothing is more temporary
then the glory of war. They were intoxicated by the war's popularity, egged
on by a herd of fawning journalists, driven out of their minds by their own
glory as War Leaders.

Olmert was roused by his own incredibly kitschy speeches, which he rehearsed
with his hangers-on. Peretz, so it seems, stood in front of the mirror and
already saw himself as the next Prime Minister, Mister Security, a Second

And so, like two village idiots, to the sound of drums and bugles, they set
off at the head of their March of Folly straight towards political and
military failure.

It is reasonable to assume that they will pay the price after the war.

WHAT WILL come out of this whole mess?

No one talks anymore about eliminating Hizbullah or disarming it and
destroying all the rockets. That has been forgotten long ago.

At the start of the war, the government furiously rejected the idea of
deploying an international force of any kind along the border. The army
believed that such a force would not protect Israel, but only restrict its
freedom of action. Now, suddenly, the deployment of this force has become
the main aim of the campaign. The army is continuing the operation solely in
order to "prepare the ground for the international force", and Olmert
declares that he will go on fighting until it appears on the ground.

That is, of course, a sorry alibi, a ladder for getting down from the high
tree. The international force can be deployed only in agreement with
Hizbullah. No country will send its soldiers to a place where they would
have to fight the locals. And everywhere in the area, the local Shiite
inhabitants will return to their villages - including the Hizbullah
underground fighters.

Further on, the force will also be totally dependent on the agreement of
Hizbullah. If a bomb explodes under a bus full of French soldiers, a cry
will go up in Paris: bring our sons home. That is what happened when the US
Marines were bombed in Beirut.

The Germans, who shocked the world this week by opposing the call for a
cease-fire, certainly will not send soldiers to the Israeli border. That's
just what they need, to be obliged to shoot at Israeli soldiers.

And, most importantly, nothing will prevent Hizbullah from launching their
rockets over the heads of the international force, any time they want to.
What will the international force do then? Conquer all the area up to
Beirut? And how will Israel respond?

Olmert wants the force to control the Lebanese-Syrian border. That, too, is
illusory. That border goes around the entire West and North of Lebanon.
Anybody who wants to smuggle weapons will stay away from the main roads,
which will be controlled by the international soldiers. He will find
hundreds of places along the border to do this. With the proper bribe, one
can do anything in Lebanon.

Therefore, after the war, we will stand more or less in the same place we
were before we started this sorry adventure, before the killing of almost a
thousand Lebanese and Israelis, before the eviction from their homes of more
than a million human beings, Israelis and Lebanese, before the destruction
of more than a thousand homes both in Lebanon and Israel.

AFTER THE war, the enthusiasm will simmer down, the inhabitants of the North
will lick their wounds and the army will start to investigate its failures.
Everybody will claim that he or she was against the war from the first day
on. Then the Day of Judgment will come.

The conclusion that presents itself is: kick out Olmert, send Peretz packing
and sack Halutz.

In order to embark on a new course, the only one that will solve the
problem: negotiations and peace with the Palestinians, the Lebanese, the
Syrians. And: with Hamas and Hizbullah.

Because it's only with enemies that one makes peace.



The internationally-lauded "disengagement" from Gaza did not end the
occupation there. This continued in the form of an Israeli stranglehold over
Gaza's communications with the outside world. The Gaza Strip has been turned
into a huge open-air prison.

With the Israeli government refusing to talk to the elected Palestinian
government, the only dialogue left now is the dialogue of the bombs, often
directed at civilian targets on both sides of the border.

Without international intervention, a brutal escalation has become almost

WE, Israeli patriots and peace activists, call upon the European Union and
its member states, possibly in conjunction with other countries, to
intervene immediately and effectively in the looming Israel-Palestinian
crisis, and, especially to -

1. APPOINT a representative of ministerial rank to Israel/Palestine to
monitor unfolding events and advise the European Union on immediate steps
the situation may demand.

2. STOP the severe sanctions imposed by Europe on the Palestinian Authority
as a penalty for exercising their democratic right and electing a government
of their choice. This by itself is a brutal intervention on behalf of the

3. ENGAGE both the Government of Israel and the elected Palestinian
president and government in a serious dialogue, with the view of putting an
end to the present crisis and paving the way for meaningful peace

4. EXTEND the European Union Border Assistance Mission, already successfully
operating at the Rafah border crossing, to all border crossings between
Israel and the Gaza Strip, in order to ensure the regular flow of
foodstuffs, medicines and other goods in both directions, irrespective of
political and military developments.

5. ACT as a permanent mediator for acute crises, such as the case of the
Israeli prisoner-of-war, Gilad Shalit.

6. OFFER both sides to station a permanent European peace-keeping force
between the Gaza Strip and Israel.

7. CONSIDER the convening of an international conference for ending the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


This appeal was sent on July 7 to all European embassies as well as to the
International Herald Tribune
to be published as a paid ad...

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