[spectre] Balkanlink - Reteaua Managerilor Culturali/Network of Cultural Managers >>>

Oberliht ober at emdash.org
Sat Dec 16 03:05:28 CET 2006

scroll down for english version

Reteaua Managerilor Culturali


Buna ziua,

Asociatia Balkanlink Va invita sa deveniti membru si sa participati activ
in activitatile lansate pe platforma Balkanlink.

Asociatia Balkanlink
Prin intermediul platformei http://www.balkanlink.org, Asociatia
Balkanlink urmareste sa conecteze actorii culturali din diferite tari din
Balcani si din Europa cu scopul imbunatatirii sistemului cultural si
artistic si intensificarii dialogului intre actorii culturali. Platforma
reprezinta studenti, incepatori si profesionisti, institutii si
organizatii interesate in schimb de cunostinte si experienta in domeniul
managementului culturii si politicilor culturale.

Platforma Balkanlink propune
In calitate de membru al platformei, sa beneficiati de spatiu pentru
publicarea si promovarea CV-ului Dstra, al institutiei/organizatiei pe
care o reprezentati, proiectelor, evenimentelor, anunturilor,
resedintelor, atelierelor, studiilor din domeniul managementului cultural,
seminarelor, resurselor (articole, eseuri, teze, planuri strategice si
alte lucrari).
Pentru a deveni membru al platformei Balkanlink este nevoie doar sa Va
inregistrati pe web site http://www.balkanlink.org. Oferind maximum de
informatii despre Dstra si activitatile/cercetarile intreprinse, ve-ti
transpune in realitate participarea Voastra la dezvoltarea retelei

Obiectivele Balkanlink
- Sa identifice si sa ofere vizibilitate potentialului cultural al
- Sa incurajeze dialogul, schimbul de cunostinte si metode, schimburile
- Sa genereze schimburi multiculturale si multidisciplinare, sa conecteze
actorii culturali, economici cu artistii;
- Sa sprijine mobilitatea tinerilor manageri si artistilor din regiune si
din afara ei;
- Sa sensibilizeze autoritatile locale, fundatiile si actorii culturali
referitor la sistemul de organizare in retea.

Prin participarea Dstra ve-ti contribui la activarea retelei Balkanlink si
la imbunatatirea sistemului de arta si cultura din regiune si din afara

Simtiti-va liber(a) sa ne scrieti si sa ne raspundeti prin comentarii,
sfaturi, pareri ce ne-ar ajuta sa facem reteaua Balkanlink mai buna!

Cu respect,
Asociatia Balkanlink
info.balkanlink at gmail.com

Network of Cultural Managers



The Association Balkanlink is glad to invite You to become part of the
Balkanlink platform, and participate actively on its activity.

The Association Balkanlink
Through its platform www.balkanlink.org, The Association Balkanlink aims
to link cultural actors coming from various countries of the Balkans and
Europe in order to improve the system of arts and culture, and strengthen
dialogue between cultural actors in and out of the region.
The platform hosts students, emerging professionals, professionals, but
also diplomas, institutions and organizations interested in sharing
knowledge and experiences in the field of management and cultural

Balkanlink platform provides
As a Member of the platform, Balkanlink platform provides You a window to
publish and promote Your Cv, Cultural institutions/organizations,
projects, events, calls for applications, residencies, trainings, Diplomas
specialized in Cultural management, seminars and workshops, resources
(articles, essays, thesis, strategic plans and other research).
To become a member of the Balkanlink platform, you only need to be
register on the web site www.balkanlink.org. By publishing the maximum of
information on your profile, your experiences and your research, you make
the most of your participation in the network.

Balkanlink objectives
- To identify and provide visibility to the cultural potential of the
- To allow and encourage dialogue, transfers of knowledge and methods, and
artistic exchanges;
- To generate sustainable multicultural and multi-disciplinary exchanges
to weave durable links between cultural actors, economic actors and
- To support mobility of the young managers and artists within and out of
the region;
- To make cultural actors, institutions, foundations and local authorities
sensitive to the network organisation system.

With your participation, You will make this network active and
interactive, and participate to improve the system of art and culture in
and out of the region.

Please feel free to send us any feedback comments and advice, which could
help us to improve Balkanlink!

Association Balkanlink
info.balkanlink at gmail.com


Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
tel: + (373 22) 735369
contact person: Vladimir Us

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