[spectre] "Engaging... illuminating, fascinating"

joe banks joe2banks at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jan 31 15:48:40 CET 2006

"Disinformation combine scientific nous with poetic
lyricism to create some of the most beautiful
installations around" Jessica Lack, The Guardian


Iris Light i-Light 031CD (2005)

"Kwaidan" Part 1
"Kwaidan" Part 3
"Bexleyheath To Dartford"
"London Underground"

"As far a sound research recordings go, it can
sometimes result in the creation of albums that are so
bound up with theory as to disengage with the
listener's interest. Disinformation however seem to
have no such problem..." RJS, Aural Pressure

"Disinformation has been researching and documenting
sonic phenomena for a decade now, capturing the sounds
of atmospheric and geomagnetic disturbances with
customised radio equipment. The subsequent application
of a bare minimum of processing serves to clarify the
basic signal rather than shape it to some artistic
end, to turn it into music. What emerges is the sound
of the elemental forces, waves and energy fields that
surround us. Joe Banks is not an acoustic scientist,
however. He is more interested in the elusive
psychology of the listening experience, the way we
react to the sonic data, the fascination we experience
on hearing the unhearable. The quotations adorning the
sleeve make this explicit, the one from Francois Jacob
being particularly apposite: "Hypotheses take the form
of vague presentiments... the mind frets in a
labyrinth, deluged with messages" [1]. In the past
Banks has invoked the concept of "Rorschach Audio" [2]
- as if the sounds Disinformation captures were
inkblots that reveal to each individual their own set
of preoccupations, in holding a mirror to nature,
Disinformation invites us to take a look at ourselves.
In fact, apart from the two tracks documenting train
journeys via unmixed electromagnetic field recordings,
the 27 minutes of "Sense Data and Perception" is a
good deal more musical than might be expected. On
"Kwaidan" deep broken drones are fringed with
stuttering inteference that sounds like techno hi-hat
patterns, while "Doppelganger" dwells meditatively on
a single reverberating piano note. These pieces frame
the drier, more scientific work and make for an
engaging listen, but it's the latter pieces that
you'll keep coming back to. They're a bit like
electron microscope images - illuminating,

Keith Moline, The Wire, August 2005

[1] "Night science, on the other hand, wanders
blindly. It hesitates, stumbles, falls back, sweats,
wakes with a start. Hypotheses take the form of vague
presentiments... thought proceeds along sinuous paths,
tortuous streets... the mind frets in a labyrinth,
deluged with messages." Francois Jacob, Paris 1987

[2] "Rorschach Audio - Ghost Voices and Perceptual
Creativity" in "Leonardo Music Journal" volume 11, pp.
77-83, The MIT Press 2001, see also "Rorschach Audio -
Art and Illusion for Sound" in "Strange Attractor
Journal" volume 1, pp. 124-159, Strange Attractor 2004

"Sense Data and Perception" CD available from...


As played on Radio One!


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