Fwd: [spectre] Press release no. 2: Manifesta

Geert Lovink geert at xs4all.nl
Sun Jun 25 22:20:22 CEST 2006

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Heiko Recktenwald <uzs106 at uni-bonn.de>
> Date: 25 June 2006 7:23:26 PM
> To: Geert Lovink <geert at xs4all.nl>
> Subject: Re: [spectre] Press release no. 2: Manifesta
>>> For these reasons, the IFM maintains that Nicosia for Art is in 
>>> flagrant breach of its contractual obligations.
> How is this possible when Waldvogel etc made their transborder idea a 
> secret?
> As I remember darkly from the last message on this subject to this 
> list.
> Had they any reason to believe to have such a carte blanche?
> Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen as a failed hack.
> So what,
> H.

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