[spectre] (fwd) New media master program, Tallinn/Estonia

Andreas Broeckmann abroeck at transmediale.de
Mon Mar 6 19:58:31 CET 2006

Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2006 17:38:01 -0600
From: "mauri kaipainen" <mauri.kaipainen at tlu.ee>
Subject: <nettime-ann> [edu] New media master program starting in

Interactive Media and Knowledge Environments (IMKE) is an international
new media master program offered by the department of Informatics at
Tallinn University. The first student intake will take place fall '06.
The characteristic focus of the IMKE curriculum is on knowledge
environments, digital interactive environments that host and facilitate
individual and shared knowledge construction, in contexts such as
educational environments, e-service environments, e-participation
environments and game environments. According to the program goals, the
graduates will possess a spectrum of critical knowledge as well as an
individually tailored set of professional skills in the field of
digital interactive media. Instruction will be in English. The
requirements are BA or equivalent degree, experience or skills in some
field of digital media, computing skills and proficiency in English.

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