[spectre] Wjs [workshopandperformances]/MNAC Bucuresti

mnac info at mnac.ro
Mon Mar 20 12:30:51 CET 2006

  Wj's [workshop and performances]

<<<20-23 martie 2006/ la MNAC<<<<

>>>>un proiect al Ministerului Culturii si Cultelor

<<<scroll down for english

artisti participanti:
Lucille Calmel, Sylvie AstiÎ, Jean- Baptiste Bayle, Olga Kisseleva, 
Vali Chincisan, Suzana Dan, Mihaela Kavdanska, Dorel Naste
curator : Anne Roquigny
programator: StÎphane Kyles
coordonator: Cosmin Tapu

>>Primul workshop international de webjay-ing se desfasoara la 
>>Bucuresti in cadrul Etats Genereaux de la Francophonie. Workshop-ul 
>>are ca finalitate realizarea a opt Wjâs performances ale artistilor 
>>romani si francezi deschise publicului joi 23 martie incepand cu 
>>ora 18h30.

Cuvinte cheie: WJ / Webjay / Webjockey / Weejay / Webjing / Webjaying

>>WJs reprezinta un dipozitiv modulabil de performance public 
>>realizat prin intermediul internetului, permitind celor implicati 
>>(Wj, webjockeys, artisti de sunet si de imagine, net-artisti, 
>>graficieni, programatori, activisti, teoreticieni media, etc) sa 
>>experimenteze live varietatea continuturilor si resurselor 
>>disponibile in imensitatea retelei. Continuind munca Dj-lor si 
>>Vj-lor, artistii Wj (webjockeys) isi extrag materialul direct de pe 
>>internet si mixeaza fluxul retelei la infinit, in timp real.<<<<<<

>>>Proiectele realizate de actorii diverselor retele pe World Wide 
>>>Web reprezinta mai ales o aventura solitara, in care cei activati 
>>>se reunesc intr-un mediu restrins ce nu permite extinderea intr-un 
>>>alt cadru de reprezentare. Ideea proiectului WJs vizeaza tocmai 
>>>perturbarea acestei tendinte, propunind un tip de experienta 
>>>cibernetica forte, captivanta, senzuala, in care placerea 
>>>imersiunii in fluxul retelei este deviata inspre un cadru 
>>>performativ. Astfel, demersurile individuale sau de colaborare pe 
>>>net devin experiente colective la care publicul este invitat sa 

>>>  Wj's [workshop and performances]

>>>a project by the Romanian Ministry of Culture

>>>20-23 March 2006/ at MNAC

Participating artists: Lucille Calmel, Sylvie AstiÎ, Jean- Baptiste 
Bayle, Olga Kisseleva, Vali Chincisan, Dorel Naste, Suzana Dan, 
Mihaela Kavdanska.
curator : Anne Roquigny
programmer : StÎphane Kyles
coordinator : Cosmin Tapu

>>>>>The very first WJ's international workshop in Bucharest 
>>>>>represents a collaboration between French and Romanian artists 
>>>>>during the Etats Genereaux de la Francophonie. The workshop will 
>>>>>end with eight live web performances of the participating 
>>>>>artists starting from 18h30 on thursthday 23/03 in MNAC's 

Key words: WJ / Webjay / Webjockey / Weejay / Webjing / Webjaying

>>>WJ-s is a flexible, high speed connexion public device for web 
>>>performances (WJ-s/ession) which allows actors of the Internet ( 
>>>WJs, webjockeys, sound and image artists, netartists, bloggers, 
>>>graphic designers, flashers, programmers, curators, hacktivists, 
>>>newmedia theorists, pioneers and web mutants...) to play live with 
>>>the full scope of contents available in the wideness of the 

>>>>In less than 20 years the World Wide Web, a space of converging 
>>>>multimedia praxis, has become a vast experimentation and 
>>>>exploration ground with countless artistic ramifications .As it 
>>>>is often related to a solitary adventure led in a very intimate 
>>>>relationship with oneâs machine, thevirtual experience is seldom 
>>>>extended to another dimension of time-space. Projects involving 
>>>>networkactors only take place in closed circles, within the 
>>>>network, and hardly ever outside, within a live performance 


The National Museum of Contemporary Art , <http://www.mnac.ro>www.mnac.ro
2-4, Str. Izvor, aripa E4,  Bucharest (RO), 050563

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