[spectre] Silent voices are calling our mind

Louise Desrenards louise.desrenards at free.fr
Sun Nov 5 21:58:56 CET 2006

Sorry of my feeling this evening:

it is incredible that on the lists of Web art and of Web culture the
activity continues as if nothing very grave was taking place in Gaza more
since November first and particularly the massacres in Beit Hanoun and on
the other hand in Oaxaca at a month of next presidential elections, under
the US intervenant pressure, particularly since the federal troops entered
consolidating the local dictator and beginning a systematic repression
instead of respecting the elected wish of the parliament, after the murder
of W. Bradley Roland among other insurgents...

While there is exactly something same echo from a part a wall from another
part a project of a wall from a part an attempt of civil war from another
part an attempt of civil war, before the interventions of the army against
the people in the two places.

What is this this Europe co-worker of the global war in which we are
represented against our thoughts?

What can we do? All write a petition and sign on?


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