[spectre] MOBILEFEST - International Seminar Nov. 16, 17

paulohartmanndesign phd at paulohartmann.net
Mon Nov 13 13:46:35 CET 2006

MOBILEFEST - Festival of Mobile Art and Creativity

International Seminar  - 16th  and  17th November, 2006
Expositive Exhibition   - 16th   to    19th November, 2006


MOBILEFEST is the first Brazilian festival of mobile art and creativity
based on the socio-cultural unfoldings that mobile phones and their
technology have promoted in our culture.

The festival intends to discuss the actual impact of the use of mobiles and
other data transfer devices in our contemporary world.  What's the role of
these technologies in our culture? What behavioural and ethical changes may
result from this communication way?

How can the mobile technology contribute to democracy, culture, arts,
ecology, peace, education, health and the third -sector?

Besides lectures and mobile art exhibitions, the event will hold workshops
designed to orient and stimulate the production of content in the mobile era
in Brazil.

The goal is to popularise the mobile technology, promote cultural
interchange among national and international researchers, encouraging the
creative use of mobile technology.


16th NOVEMBER>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

12h - Registration

13h - Opening

Danilo Santos de Miranda (BR), regional director of SESC São Paulo,
Marcelo Godoy and Paulo Hartmann (BR), idealisers of Mobilefest, and
Representatives of Public Organs .

14h - Opening Conference
The Cell Phone: an anthropology of communication

Heather A. Horst (EUA), Anthropologist , University of California,
Berkeley, developed studies about information technology and communication
in underdevelopment countries like Ghana, India, Jamaica and South Africa,
author of "The Cell Phone: An Anthropology of Communication".

15h - Roundtable 1
The mobile technology as education and transformation tool

Ann Williams (USA), executive director, OKTO, developing the project
"Alô Cidadão", in Belo Horizonte (MG, Brazil)

David Cavallo (USA), director of Lab. do Futuro da Aprendizagem,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Gilson Schwartz (BR), Professor at ECA-USP and director of Cidade do

Graham Brown-Martin (ING), founder and general manager of Handheld Learning

Heather A. Horst (USA), Anthropologist , University of California,

Max Leite , industrial engineer, MBA by University of  Texas,
present PDC director at Intel.

18h - Panel 1
Vibrating music sheets

Leonardo Xavier, general director of  Tell Vox , Ligaki and M2A

Pedro Paranaguá (BR), Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS) of
Fundação Getúlio Vargas do RJ

Gustavo Mansur (BR), content manager of TIM mobile carrier

Alexandre Matias (BR), journalist, editor of Trabalho Sujo website and
Vida Fodona podcast

19h30 - Roundtable 2
Games and behaviour

Alberto Magno (BR), executive director at M1ND Corp.,  president and
founder at ASTV

Amyris Fernandez (BR), digital marketing consultant, researcher and
professor at FGV and IBMEC

Jinwoo Chung / Hyejin Choi (COR), designers and authors of study "Me Myself
and My Cell".

Maroussia Lévesque /Jason Lewis / Lucie Bélanger (CAN), integrants of
Mobile Digital Commons Network

Marcelo Carvalho(BR), partner-director of Devworks Game Technology and
of ABRAGAMES (Associação Brasileira das Desenvolvedoras de Jogos

17th  NOVEMBER>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

13h - Audiovisual Exhibition - Video-celular

Selected works at Festival Telemig Celular art.mov (Brazil) and
Mobfest Festival of films for mobile (Canada).

14h30 - Roundtable 3
A sociedade do espetáculo mobile

Adriene Jenik (USA), media telecommunication artist , works at Dept of
Visual Arts, University of California

Christian Wiener (GER), researcher in the areas of new media, interactive
interfaces and robotics.

Suely Rolnik (BR), psychoanalyst and head professor of post -graduation in
Clinical Psychology, PUC-SP.

Juca Varella (BR), sub-editor of photography and coordinator of Foto
O Estado de São Paulo newspaper.

17h - Panel 2
M-Marketing , ­ Advertising and commerce on mobile

Andreas Blazoudakis (BR), expert in information technology, president of

Otakar Svacina (BR), economist and new businesses manager at Gemalto
do Brasil

Fernando Teco Sodré (BR), general director, Mobile Mixer

Representatives of mobile phone carriers, advertisers and agencies.

19h - Panel 3
Locative Media - where are we? ­

André Lemos (BR), professor at Univ. Federal da Bahia (UFBA) and
researcher at Cibercultura

Daniel Oelsner Lopes (BR), director of Easy Trak Rastreamento

Juan Carlos Zuñiga Torres (PER), engineer, researcher in the fields of ASP,

Lucas Bambozzi (BR), artist who develops art works on audiovisual language.

Representative of mobile phone carrier

21h - Closing Conference
Experiences on mobile art

Giselle Beiguelman (BR), post-graduation professor at PUC-SP and artist,
with projects involving mobile communication devices via
Internet, SMS, MMS e Bluetooth

Adriene Jenik (USA), media telecommunication artist , works at Dept of
Visual Arts, University of California

EXPOSITIVE EXHIBITION  - 16th to 19th November, 2006

Antologia de Fragmentos Dispersos ( Anthology of Disperse Fragments)
Retrospective of Giselle Beiguelman (Brazil)

Cityspeak, Citywide
Interactive installation of MDCN ­ Mobile Digital Commons Network group

Mobile Minded
Exhibition graphic design works from the publication organised by Mieke
Gerritzen and Geert Lovink (Holland)

Exhibition Foto-Repórter
OESP - O Estado de S. Paulo newspaper

- in person at SESC Avenida Paulista - Central de Atendimento
  Avenida Paulista, 119 - Paraíso - São Paulo
- via  fax: (011) 3179-3765 (registration form)
- via telephone: (011) 3179-3716 or PABX SESC Avenida Paulista 3179-3700
  Tues to Fri,  9h to 22h;  Sat and Sun, 10h to 19h
- via portal: www.sescsp.org.br <http://www.sescsp.org.br>


bank deposit  under Serviço Social do Comércio - SESC Avenida Paulista
bank: Caixa Econômica Federal

branch: 0235

account number: 1307-5

SESC NETWORK: Registration can be made purchasing the ticket at any SESC

Registration will be validated as soon as the Executive Secretary receives
by fax 3179-3765, the ticket purchased at SESC Network or bank deposit

Registration fee:
R$ 10,00 (commercial worker, student, retired and Public Network teacher )
R$ 15,00 (registered user)
R$ 20,00 (all others)

email: mobilefest at avenidapaulista.sescsp.org.br 
telephone: (11) 3179-3716 or PABX: (11) 3179-3700 - Fax: (11) 3179-3765

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
phd at paulohartmann.net
t: 5511-50522190
f: 5511-50522475 

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