V2_ press at v2.nl
Tue Nov 21 16:29:17 CET 2006

Friday 1 December, 2006, 20:00 hrs *

*www.v2.nl *

Live stream & IRC chat: irc.v2.nl/#tangents

V2_ invites you to another Tangent_Event: TANGENT_CONSPIRACY.

Long before a clandestine military-academic collaboration created the 
1960's ARPANET the speculative mechanisms of conspiracy theories have 
fueled global events. The Internet and its growing Web 2.0 counterpart 
have moved beyond the realm of information exchange and redundancy to 
become the real-time fora of narrative construction. Fuelling and 
fanning all forms of popular speculation the net now creates its own 
post-modern mythologies of world domination, corporate control and 
government induced fear fetishism. If the net itself is not a 
conspirative construct designed to control and influence global 
intellectual expression then, rumour has it, it plays the central role 
in implying as much. Has the Internet now become a self-fulfilling 
prophecy of its own destructive speculation? V2_, in collaboration with 
the Media Design group of the Piet Zwart Institute, invites you to join 
Florian Cramer, Claudia Borges, Hans Bernhard and Alessandro Ludovico in 
an evening of net-based conspiracy built upon abrasive speculation, 
conjectural divination and devious web bots.

*Alessandro Ludovico*, editor in chief of Neural, has been eavesdropped 
upon electronically for most of his life due to his hacktivist cultural 
activities. Promoting cultural resistance to the pervasiveness of 
markets, he is an active supporter of ideas and practices that challenge 
the flatness of capitalism through self-organized cooperation and 
cultural production. Since 2005 he has been collaborating with 
Ubermorgen and Paolo Cirio in conceptually conspiring against the 
smartest marketing techniques of major online corporations.

*Florian Cramer*, course director of Piet Zwart Institute Media Design, 
had his education sentimentale as a member of the Neoist Cultural 
Conspiracy and is rumored to be involved in numerous anonymous 
collective efforts. His interest in plots, networks and signs brought 
him to study literature and investigate networks, speculative 
programming and cultural semiotics. Next to encouraging hacker 
approaches to information design, he currently researches the subliminal 
impact of obscenity on the human mind.

*tatibrazil* aka Maria Claudia de Azevedo Borges hails from São Paulo, 
Brazil where she graduated in Clinical Psychology. Her official life as 
an artist began in Rotterdam where, after 10 years of busying herself 
with oil paint, she was seduced by the Internet. As part of her practice 
exploring women's issues she trains and designs critical bots using 
female identity, language and narratives. Her methods are highly 
unorthodox, using the material of conversation and jargon as a means of 
information gathering. Currently, it is claimed, that she collaborates 
with the ethereal being known as Joy Evidence.


*Hans Bernhard* is a St. Moritz based artist whose true madness first 
surfaced when he started up the internet-underground cult etoy in 1994. 
In 1999 he and three other founding members of etoy bought the mother 
company etoy.holding while investing dot-com money in a Sofia based 
software firm (esof ltd). During the web site action Vote-Auction to buy 
and sell votes during the 2000 U.S. presidential elections Hans and 
lizvlx (UBERMORGEN.COM) were sued by 12 U.S. states, investigated by 
U.S. federal attorney Janet Reno, observed by the FBI, the CIA and the 
Austrian secret police and put under NSA surveillance. Afterwards he 
initiated NAZI~LINE (with Christoph Schlingensief), a neo-nazi 
re-integration project. Other projects currently getting him into 
serious trouble with German/Austrian secret services and corporate 
lawyers include GWEI (Google Will Eat Itself), the Injunction Generator 
and Amazon Noir.
UBERMORGEN.COM / etoy.holding

*TANGENT_CONSPIRACY* will also feature sisterO and *The Algorithmic 
Oracle *who will reveal your place in the manifold of time with their 
*Media Divination 2.0. *Bring an image or article of personal interest 
and be ready to disclose your date of birth ...
Andrea Fiore*, The Algorithmic Oracle, is currently a second year 
student of Media Design at the Piet Zwart Institute. He holds a degree 
in communication sciences from the University of Rome with a thesis on 
software as cultural artifact and spends much of his time data mining, 
profiling, conjuring social software, and exploring digital archives and 
privacy issues.


Nancy Mauro-Flude's sisterO project involved an extended period of 
research in Colombia looking at new & old media at the Society of 
Ethnomedicine; this resulted in a series of transmission-based 
performances. Her work as a performing artist refers to the history of 
political cabaret, mesmerism and the experiential worlds carried in 
their wake. Currently a Master's candidate in Media Design, Piet Zwart 


*TANGENT_CONSPIRACY will also be streamed live via: *


We welcome and encourage external online participation to V2_’s 
moderated IRC channel: irc.v2.nl/#tangents. During the event we will be 
introducing V2_’s new chat bot, the incorrigible and witty CyB!

*entry: free with a genetic imprint *

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