[spectre] Netspace at MAXXI/Rome

media/art/cologne nc-agricowi at netcologne.de
Thu Nov 23 15:03:43 CET 2006

La DARC - Direzione generale per l'architettura e l'arte contemporanee
Il MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo Roma
DARC - General direction for Architecture & Contemporary Art
and the MAXXI - National Museum for Art of  XXI th century   Rome/Italy
open on  2 December 2006 the exhibition
"NetSpace: a travel to the art of the NET - Geographies of Spaces"
(" NetSpace: viaggio nell'arte della Rete"  Geografie di spazi )
curated by  Elena Julia Rossi.

The exhibition forming the basis of the NetArchives to be realized
is organized in collaboration with Fondazione Rossellini.

The participating artists are:

1. Agricola de Cologne (Cologne/Germany)
]and_scape[, 2002       

2. Andreas Angelidakis  (Greece)
Invisibile Home, 2002, a project commisioned by the National Museum of Contemporary Art (EMST), Atene

3. Chiara Passa (Italy)
Super Place Project, 2001

4. Stanza (UK)
The Central City, 1997 - 2004      http://www.thecentralcity.co.uk

5. Roxana Torre (The Netherlands)
Personal World Map, 2005          http://www.personalworldmap.org/

6. Marek Walczak & Martin Wattenberg (USA)
Apartment, 2001, a project commissioned by Turbulence.org

These exhibition works exist only on the Internet and will be presented
at MAXXI on computer screens online via links from the
DARC site - http://www.darc.beniculturali.it

MAXXI, Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo
Via Guido Reni, 2 - Rom/Italien

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