Reminder: Live Streams The Public Desire - September 2 &3,
De Balie Amsterdam
Eric Kluitenberg
epk at xs4all.nl
Fri Sep 1 14:59:38 CEST 2006
R E M I N D E R / L I V E S T R E A M S :
The Public Desire
In search of new forms of public culture...
September 1, 2 & 3, 2006
De Balie, Centre for Culture and Politics
The Public Desire is a kaleidoscopic weekend program full of debates,
conversations, performances, interventions, public cinema, art
projects and discussions about old and new forms of public culture.
Live Web-Casts:
The programs below can be followed live via internet as videostream
and mp3 audio:
For details please refer to: http://www.debalie.nl/live
(all time indications CET)
(of English spoken and ‘non-verbal’ programs - click the URLs for
details or scroll below)
* Saturday September 2
13.30 hrs:
Radio Ballet LIGNA
I Am[not]sterdam. 10 Exercises to get the City out of your Body”
Link: http://www.debalie.nl/artikel.jsp?
* Saturday September 2
15.00 hrs
Issue Politics - From Parties to Issues
Debate with Noortje Marres, political philosopher and researcher at
the University of Amsterdam, Michel Feher, philosopher, cofounder of
Zone Books and author of Powerless by Design, a critique of the
‘international community’, Inge van der Vlies, professor of
administrative and constitutional law, University of Amsterdam,
Rebecca Gomperts, founder of Women on Waves and Emer Beamer, artist
and organiser of a range of ‘civic education’ projects.
Link: http://www.debalie.nl/artikel.jsp?
* Sunday September 3
11.00 hrs:
Permanent Breakfast
Starting at 11.00 am we reclaim the square as a place where we can
all join in and listen to speeches, share personal stories and meet
new friends! Speeches are in Dutch, the food is tasty in all sorts of
Link: http://www.debalie.nl/artikel.jsp?
15.00 hrs:
From Open Source to Open Knowledge
Discussion about the public accessibility of scientific knowledge
With: Saul Albert (artists and writer from London, he is cofounder of
the initiative The People Speak which deals in its collaborative
projects (for instance Talkaoke, Distributed Library) with notions of
democratised media),
Ronald Beelaard (Wikimedia Nederland, ended up with Wikipedia through
his board function with a public library and is one of the moderators
of the Dutch Wikipedia),
Sebastian Lütgert (artist and software programmer from Berlin, whose
internet projects such as ROLUX, textz.com en Pirate Cinema are often
related to opening up knowledge and information to free exchange and
distribution and the negation of intellectual property rights. In
2004 Lütgert became the object of absurd legal proceedings over the
on-line publication of texts of Theodor W. Adorno.)
Kurt De Belder (Librarian of Leiden University and representative of
Digital Academic Repositories (DARE), which gives free access to
academic research output in The Netherlands).
Paul Keller (Creative Commons Nederland, is head of the Public Domain
Program of the Waag Society in Amsterdam and is an active member of
the European noborder network).
Link: http://www.debalie.nl/artikel.jsp?podiumid=media&articleid=63175
20.30 hrs:
Creative Class Struggles
Creative Precarity: On the creatives and their class consciousness
+ presentation of the Creative Workers Manifesto
With: Ned Rossiter, researcher University of Ulster, Belfast, kpD /
kleines post-fordistisches Drama (Marion von Osten, artist and
independent theorist, Katja Reichard, independent bookstore Pro qm
and organiser of autonomous culture events, Berlin), Mei Li Vos
political scientist and chairwoman of the Alternatief Voor Vakbond
(Alternative for Labour Union), and contributions by Flexmens.org and
Greenpepper Magazine.
Master of ceremonies for the evening is Max Bruinsma, design critic.
Link: http://www.debalie.nl/artikel.jsp?
Web Dossier:
Background information and other materials can be found in the
special web dossier on the Balie website:
De Balie Live on the internet (real) video streams & mp3 audio:
(all time indications CET)
All programs are admission free
Details about live webcast videosterams & mp3 audio:
(all time indications CET)
De Balie
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