[spectre] Announcing Public Art Bucharest 2007
Andreas Broeckmann
ab at tesla-berlin.de
Wed Apr 18 08:03:15 CEST 2007
Spatiul Public Bucuresti |
Public Art Bucharest 2007
20 April - 15 October 2007
Bucharest / Romania
Curated by Marius Babias and Sabine Hentzsch
Assistant curator: Raluca Voinea
Spatiul Public Bucuresti | Public Art Bucharest 2007 is a pilot
project which creates a platform for trans-disciplinary discussions
and debates exploring how public art encourages a critical engagement
with the structures of power which are dominant in society.. The
non-existence of a public sphere in Romania during Communism created
the conditions for the unfettered capitalism of the post-Communist
period to acquire a monopoly on the public space. Bucharest is one of
the fastest developing cities in Europe, however one where
post-Communism and globalization have created specific tensions and
eccentric juxtapositions in the architecture, urban environment and
social life. The ways in which people in the city perceive,
experience and respond to these tensions define an active public
space, which needs to be acknowledged by the cultural discourse and
analysed in open debates.
The project Spatiul Public Bucuresti | Public Art Bucharest 2007 has
three objectives:
--to support Bucharest’s synchronization with the evolution of
contemporary art and to create awareness about the importance of the
public space;
--in the medium term, to create a self-sustained initiative for public art;
--in the long term this self-sustained initiative allows continuous
and consistent realization of public art projects.
For the pilot stage of the project, taking place throughout 2007, the
following Romanian artists with international profile were invited to
participate: Mircea Cantor, Anetta Mona Chisa in collaboration with
Lucia Tkácová, Nicoleta Esinencu, H.arta, Daniel Knorr, Dan
Perjovschi, and Lia Perjovschi. The artists’ projects confront the
public with a series of contemporary themes relevant both from an
international perspective and for a context in which the exercise of
democracy has not yet been fully incorporated. The streets, squares
and markets of the city, public and private institutions, public
transportation, and mass media channels constitute settings for the
artists’ interventions. Within the artists’ projects a central role
is held by a multifunctional project space, which opens in September
for one month, with a daily program of activities. Professionals from
different fields will present and discuss contemporary issues. The
project space will attra ct not only an audience with a cultural
background, but also young people, a casual street audience or people
frequenting bars. Along with the discussions and workshops, a variety
of activities will be staged, such as lectures, film projections,
musical performances and club events.
The artists’ books series is published by IDEA Publishing House Cluj
and Walther König Cologne, 2007.
Spatiul Public Bucuresti | Public Art Bucharest 2007 opens on 20th of
April 2007 with an international conference which brings together
theorists, representatives of institutions which are supporting
public art initiatives, as well as key figures of the cultural and
public life of Bucharest. The conference participants are: Marius
Babias, Marlis Drevermann, Sabine Hentzsch, Olaf Metzel, Timotei
Nadasan, Horia-Roman Patapievici, Serban Sturdza, Michael M. Thoss,
and Adriean Videanu.
Initiated by the partner institutions Goethe-Institut Bukarest,
Institutul Cultural Român (ICR), and Allianz Kulturstiftung.
Financially supported by the Cultural Programme of the German EU
Presidency in 2007 provided by the German Foreign Office, and Erste
Foundation. Media partners: IDEA, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther
König, Cologne, Suplimentul de Cultura, E-cart.ro.
http://www.spatiul-public.ro> http://www.spatiul-public.ro
For more information contact Goethe-Institut Bukarest
T: +40 21 3119762
E: il at bukarest.goethe.org
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