[spectre] Museums Engaging Communities 11-12 April 2008, I™stanbul

Andreas Broeckmann ab at mikro.in-berlin.de
Wed Apr 2 13:36:13 CEST 2008

From: Deniz Unsal <dunsal at bilgi.edu.tr>
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 13:09:22 +0300
Subject: Museums Engaging Communities 11-12 April 2008, I™stanbul

I™stanbul Bilgi University, Art Management Program,
Netherlands Research Institute in Turkey,
Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism

April 11-12, 2008

The museum-as-collection is now being replaced by 
museum-for-participation. The audiences become 
central to the museum debate. What is the role 
and place of the contemporary museum within the 

This two-day conference will gather experts from 
Dutch and Turkish museums that are actively 
searching for ways to reach audiences through 
outreach and/or educational programming. 
Presentations by participants will underline 
different strategies and experiences in 
contributing to the social dialogue and social 
development as institutions of culture and 


11 April 2008
Place: Netherlands Research Institute, Turkey
Istiklal Avenue, Nuru Ziya Street, No: 5

14:00-16:30 Museums and Society: Experiences and Plans

Fokke Gerritsen, Netherlands Research Institute, Turkey
Deniz Ünsal, I™stanbul Bilgi University, Art Management Program

Museums and Society from the Ministry's perspective:
Zülküf Yžlmaz, General Directory of Cultural Heritage and Museums,
Director of the Foreign Relations and Museums

Mine Kiraz, Istanbul Archaeology Museums
Asuman Alpagut, The Museum of Anatolian Civilizations

15:30-15:45 Break

Hein Klompmaker, Hunebed Archaeology Center, Drenthe, Netherlands
Anne -Marie Woerlee and Geke Vinke, Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden

12 April 2008
Place: santralistanbul, Silahtarag˜a, Eyüp

09:30-13:00 Museums and Society: Experiences and Plans

Dilek Yžldžz, Bursa City Museum
Nevin Soyukaya, Diyarbakžr Archaeology Museum
Petra Robben, Audax Textile Museum, Tilburg

11:15-11:30 Break

Ece Öyken, Sadberk Hanžm Museum
Annie Fletcher, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
Sibel Çetingöz, santralistanbul

This conference is supported by Consulate-General 
of the Netherlands in I™stanbul.

For information please contact:

Asst. Prof. Deniz Ünsal
Department of Art Management
Email: <mailto:dunsal at bilgi.edu.tr>dunsal at bilgi.edu.tr
Tel: +90 212 311 7560
Istanbul Bilgi University
Silahtaraga Mah. Kazim Karabekir Cad. No:1
34060 Eyüp

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