[spectre] New Reviews on Furtherfield Dec 08.

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Wed Dec 17 12:30:33 CET 2008

New Reviews on Furtherfield Dec 08.


Co-Pilot by Space.Media.Arts and Solarassociates
Review by Mark R Hancock

Co-Pilot has been created as a forum for recording the experiences of 
anyone who has ever been involved in a media arts project developed at 
the intersection of artistic practise and social engagement in community 
programs and beyond. The tag line of "Shared resources for people 
working at the intersection of art, technology and social change,"is a 
clarion call that promises a chance to be involved beyond the projects 
that people have been working and to look towards the future and how 
shared knowledge helps.
Permlink: http://www.furtherfield.org/displayreview.php?review_id=327

'Playful' at London Games Festival Fringe 2008.
Review by Corrado Morgano

Pixel-labs' "Playful:Game Design London" at Conway hall (30/10/08) was 
part of the London Games Festival Fringe. It wasn't what I expected. I 
hadn't done my homework before going and I had only seen a list of 
presenters next to the organisations that they represented. I expected 
corporate plugs of their latest products, the Beeb's latest convergence 
project, some cutscene showreels etc. No, it was more than that. Whilst 
presenters proudly boasted their affiliations they also presented their 
own work. The event could arguably be described as Dorkbot for 
videogames. Dorkbot's strapline 'people doing strange things with 
electricity'; this time the electricity is powering Xboxes, PCs and 
Wii's (oh and the other ones too!) A brief description of the 
presentations should give a decent idea of the richness of the event.
Permlink: http://www.furtherfield.org/displayreview.php?review_id=328

Publication - Welcome To Mars by Ken Hollings.
Fantasies of Science in the American Century 1947-1959. Strange 
Attractor Press 2008.
Review by Rob Myers.

Their latest book is "Welcome To Mars" by Ken Hollings, subtitled 
"Fantasies of Science in the American Century 1957-1959". Hollings 
combines the history of 1950s America as told by the New York Times with 
the same history as told by the Fortean Times. It's eye-opening 
(sometimes consciousness-expanding) stuff, a look at the wiring under 
the board of the culture and technology of an era.

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