<nettime> [spectre] Klaudio Stefancic: New Media Art in Croatia

Andreas Broeckmann ab at mikro.in-berlin.de
Mon Jul 14 15:24:37 CEST 2008

good point, zeljko!
who else would be on that list?

>On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 6:11 PM, Ana Peraica <ana.peraica at st.htnet.hr> wrote:
>>  Maybe because national institutional centralized networks on the net are
>>  quite disfunctional but despite the fact they tend to have an
>>  institutional explanation (if not even an interpretative colonialism)
>>  backwards /retro-actively, retrospectively.../, while intuitive,
>>  displaced international networks are more friendly and they are used
>>  rather than imposed as a meaning.
>Maybe it seems so from your perspective...
>but before getting bitter about it
>please consider also it might be that
>this text is a fair attempt to map out
>"New Media Art in Croatia"
>focused on local activities tied to specific
>local-political-cultural-economical context,
>rather then wider field of
>"New Media Art of Croatian citizens and diasporas"
>which would be tied to genealogical
>and civic/nationality administration.
>Without implying that text is perfect or without problematic issues
>or even that work of Zvonimir Bakotin and Maja Kuzmanovic
>is less appreciated (they know I appreciate their work)Š
>I think that your conclusions are wrong.
>However it would be very interesting
>to be constructive and look into phenomena of  the
>"Croatian New Media Diaspora"
>and how does change of social
>climate/available resources/networking support
>influenced their work, aesthetics and topics
>they focused on. Maybe you should give it a try?
>This is a question other "exEasternEuropean ex-patriots"
>should also be interested to discuss - no?
>>  ana
>>>  or Ana...
>>>  z
>>>  On Sun, 13 Jul 2008, Ana Peraica wrote:
>>>>  Unfortunately not any mention of Zvone and Maja or Syndicalists...
>>>>  ana
>>>>  Andreas Broeckmann wrote:
>>>>>  (cross-posted from nettime by permission; apologies for all the
>>>>>  broken special characters...)
>>>>>  From: "Klaudio Stefancic" <kstefancic at gmail.com>
>>>>>  Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 19:51:28 +0200
>>>>>  Subject: <nettime> [nettime] New Media Art in Croatia
>>>>>  dear nettimers,
>>>>>  here i would like to contribute with my text 'new media new networks'.
>>>>>  it is about  new media art and culture in croatia from the late 1980's
>>>>>  till 2005. the text is written last year and it was meant to be
>  <...>
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