[spectre] [[[mixedmediamicromonuments]]]...

streu-gut at gmx.de streu-gut at gmx.de
Tue Jun 3 13:31:52 CEST 2008

we invite you for a revision of the following artworks,
which you will find on www.schaum.de.ki +++
watch them intercontextual and maybe you will see
several new inductive relations of life or whatever
you call it:

 + perplexploration
 + kosmik
 + pianomalie
 + das tier
 + raumfahrt
 + grosses denken I
 + grosses denken II
 + affekt
 + all-eine
 + feier-abend
 + lichtflucht
 + metaspirit & spiritualphysics
 + sommerpause

...& ETC.

best regards sended by www.schaum.de.ki [[[mixedmediamicromonuments]]]

+++enjoy your watching+++ link it if you like it +++ have a nice cruise over the pages

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