[spectre] [cleotronica] join the Tactical Media Club at ACAF
Andreas Broeckmann
ab at mikro.in-berlin.de
Fri Mar 14 17:43:43 CET 2008
From: "Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum" <office at acafspace.org>
To: <acafspace at gmail.com>
Subject: [cleotronica] join the Tactical Media Club at ACAF
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 07:36:35 +0200
Cleotronica: Festival for Media, Art, and Socio-Culture
Subject: /// Last Call to Join the Tactical Media Club Alexandria ///
Or Call ACAF on landline or 0180681757
Cleotronica 08 Project # 6
Tactical Media Club Alexandria
A Participatory Club for Tactical Media Moderated
by Joanne Richardson (RO) and Francesca Bria (IT)
CLUB MEETINGS: 20-22 March 2008 at ACAF
Lecture1: Tactical Media: Past, Present, and
Future by Joanne Richardson, Friday 21 March, 7 pm
Lecture 2: Social Media, Shared Culture, and the
Hacker Movement in Italy by Francesca Bria,
Sunday 23 March, 7 pm
Location: Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum
(ACAF), 10 Hussein Hassab Street, Azarita,
Tactical media is a concept and set of practices
that emerged around the Next Five Minutes
festivals in Amsterdam from 1993 to 2003. What is
common to these practices is the artistic use of
media technologies to subvert power. As part of
the Cleotronica 2008 festival Alexandria
Contemporary Arts Forum (ACAF) will set up a
transient club for 'Tactical Media' inside its
space. The club seeks to collectively explore
'Tactical Media' practices in the different
contexts of Europe and Egypt, and conduct
brainstorming sessions that investigate the
possibility of new intersections between art,
media, activism, and theory. Artists, activists,
and collectives are invited to be members of the
club and participate in its discussion and debate
group meetings that will be moderated by Joanne
Richardson (Romania) and Francesca Bria (Italy).
To become a member and participate in the club's
sessions please send us a brief paragraph about
yourself and your interests or your collective in
English or Arabic to
<mailto:acafspace at gmail.com>acafspace at gmail.com
<mailto:office at acafspace.org>office at acafspace.org
, please include your complete contact info and
write "club" in the subject box. The meetings
will be carried out on the 20, 21, and 22 of
March. In addition to the club meetings Joanne
Richardson will be delivering a public lecture on
the past, present and future of Tactical Media at
ACAF on Friday 21 March, while Francesca Bria
will talk about social media, shared culture and
the hacker movement in Italy on Sunday 23 March,
both lectures will feature live Arabic
translation and start at 7 pm.
Moderators' Bios
Joanne Richardson
Born in Bucharest, grew up in New York, currently
living between Cluj, Romania and Berlin. Founder
of D Media (http://www.dmedia.ro) in Romania, an
NGO for the production and dissemination of art
and digital culture. Editor of Subsol webzine
(http://subsol.c3.hu), and author of essays on
social movements, postcommunism, immaterial
labor, copyleft, tactical media, the history of
the avant-gardes, and experimental film & video
in Eastern Europe. Recent videos on nationalism,
delocalization, migration, activism, precarity
and borders.
Francesca Bria
Film Maker, journalist and Independent Network
Activist. Born and currently living in Rome .
She teaches digital media and video journalism in
Rome and she is active as a free lance video
journalist.She is counsultant and expert on
access to knowledge policy for the Region of
Lazio and the European Commission. She has been
coordinating an international cooperation project
between Italy and Brazil on Digital Culture and
she's currently coordinating a cooperation
project on free software in Venezuela. She is the
author of different video documentaries and short
experimental films on digital media technology,
free knowledge, politics, precarity, migration
and social justice. She's active in different
networking and grassroot projects for the
promotion of shared culture and free technology.
The Cleotronica 08 program recieves generous
support from the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Embassy in Cairo and the Goethe Institute Egypt
// Extra Special thanks to Mohamed A. Fahmy AKA
ganzeer.com for the Tactical Media Club identity.
Tactical Media Club Alexandria is also part of
1001 Actions for Dialogue
Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum (ACAF)
10 Hussein Hassab Street, Flat 6, Azarita, Alexandria, Egypt
T: +20 (0)3 480 41 45 E: <mailto:office at acafspace.org>office at acafspace.org
Opening times: Tuesday - Sunday, 3 - 9 pm, Closed
on Mondays and most official holidays
ARABIC ////////////////////////////
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The Cleotronica 08 program recieves generous
support from the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Embassy in Cairo and the Goethe Institute Egypt
// Extra Special thanks to Mohamed A. Fahmy AKA
ganzeer.com for the Tactical Media Club identity.
Tactical Media Club Alexandria is also part of
1001 Actions for Dialogue
ÂÊ ¦ÈÝ«”«"“ʦ-ÍŠÝ””·ÊËÊÝ«”«'-ŠÝACAF
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