[spectre] SUBMIT! Blog for Festival Calls and Competitions

Vera-Maria Glahn vera at sendung.net
Sat May 17 14:14:08 CEST 2008

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
we have just launched our new blog SUBMIT! informing readers about 
Festival Application Deadlines,
Calls for Entries, Award Competitions and Scholarships in Film, New 
Media, Fine Arts, Design and Architecture
- from all over the world.


Subscribers can choose the category they want to keep posted on, and 
our Google Calendars
remind them of every deadline a week before itZs due!
SUBMIT! is the new channel to reach artists and applicants beyond 
your established network!
Spread the word about your own competitions - please inform us via 
<mailto:submit at sendung.net>submit at sendung.net

Want more attention? - Support our service by Advertising with SUBMIT!
Please get in touch for details.
We are looking forward to cooperate!
kind regards,

Vera-Maria Glahn

SUBMIT! is a project by

Platform for Experimental Video and Live Visuals


Vera-Maria Glahn
<mailto:vera at sendung.net>vera at sendung.net

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