[spectre] Sharing is Sexy, UC San Diego, 7pm Fri, This is what democracy looks like Naked

lotu5 lotu5 at resist.ca
Fri Nov 7 02:23:59 CET 2008

Hi, join me and the rest of the Sharing is Sexy collective Friday,
November 7th at Groundwork books @ UCSD for a sexy movie screening and a
discussion of DIY porn and collective art practice. Details below...

please pass it on!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fwd: Groundwork is showing a movie tomorrow (Friday 11/7) !
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 16:48:34 -0800
From: Adriana Goni <ashibbity at gmail.com>
To: dj lotu5 <lotu5 at sharingissexy.org>

Hello Groundwork friends!

We would like to invite you all to come on Friday, November 7 (tomorrow) to
Groundwork Books. Sharing is Sexy collective and Groundwork will be
screening the film "Made in Secret: the Story of the East Van Porn
Collective". A documentary about the East Vancouver video collective
that challenged the porn industry's standard exploitation of women by
creating their own anarcho-feminist porn. Discussion and workshop
presented by Sharing is Sexy following the film. Movie starts at 7PM in
Groundwork Books, get there early! We'll have snacks and coffee.

**Free! (donations welcomed)

Groundwork Books
9500 Gilman Dr. in the Old Student Center on the UCSD campus, La Jolla.

(858) 452-9625 Call us if you have any questions.

Those off campus can catch the free shuttle from the UCSD Medical Center
shuttle in Hillcrest (pickup at the parking garage) to a couple blocks away
from Groundwork Books on campus in La Jolla (drop off at Gilman Dr/Myers

Shuttle schedule:

Map: (just copy and paste it !)

Thanks, hope to see you all here tomorrow or in two fridays for our next
screening !

Groundwork Books Collective


gpg:  0x5B77079C // encrypted email preferred
gaim/skype: djlotu5 // off the record messaging preferred

blog: http://bang.calit2.net/tts

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