[spectre] Conference "Creative Work and Copyright", PHOENIX Halle, Sep 26 - 28, 2008

Inke Arns inke.arns at snafu.de
Tue Sep 2 20:58:25 CEST 2008

Dear Spectres,

in the framework of the current exhibition "Anna 
Kournikova Deleted By Memeright Trusted System - 
Art in the Age of Intellectual Property" the 
conference "Creative Work and Copyright" will 
take place at the PHOENIX Halle Dortmund from 
September 26-28, 2008.

We cordially would like to invite you to 
participate in this conference which will bring 
scientists, artists, journalists, musicians, 
trade unionists, media activists and a 
representative from the Federal Government of 
Germany's Commissioner for Culture and Media.

Hope to see you there ;-)) (it's in German!)


* * *

Creative Work and Copyright
HMKV in the PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
September, 26 - 28, 2008

A conference by iRights.info, Berlin, and Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund

Does copyright protect the author or the 
exploiter? How do authors work - with public 
grants, in creative industries, or in happy and 
willing self-exploitation? Remixing is illegal 
yet extremely common - how can the interests of 
the creatives and re-creatives be reconciled? 
Pressing questions from the analysis of new 
labour conditions will be explored not only in 
talks and panel discussions but also in the form 
of performances, films, concerts, and a tour of 
the exhibition "Anna Kournikova Deleted By 
Memeright Trusted System - Art in the Age of 
Intellectual Property".

Conference language: German

The symposium is sponsored by the Federal Centre for Civic Education.

Information, registration, schedule and abstracts of the symposium (German)

First press release (German) for the symposium

About the exhibition "Anna Kournikova Deleted By 
Memeright Trusted System - Art in the Age of 
Intellectual Property" (until October 19, 2008) 


* * *

Conference participants (as of 2 Sep 2008):

* Ilja Braun, freier Journalist, Koeln
* Martin Conrads, freier Autor; Dozent am 
Institut fuer Transmediale Gestaltung, 
Universitaet der Kuenste Berlin
* Dr. Florian Cramer, Course Director Media 
Design M. A. und Professorial Coordinator 
(Lector) des Forschungsprojektes “Communication 
in a Digital Age", Piet Zwart Institute, Willem 
de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam University of 
Applied Sciences, Rotterdam
* Frank Dostal, Textdichter, Producer, 
stellvertretender Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der 
GEMA, Hamburg
* Hanns-Peter Frentz, Leiter Bildarchiv der 
Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin
* Peter Grafe, Leiter Referat K16 
Kulturwirtschaft beim Beauftragten der 
Bundesregierung fuer Kultur und Medien, Bonn
* Christoph Irrgang, freier Fotograf, Hamburg
* Paul Keller, Senior-Projektleiter Creative 
Commons Niederlande & Vorstandsmitglied iCommons, 
* Dr. Volker Kitz, LL.M. (New York University), 
Hoecker Rechtsanwaelte, Koeln / 
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Geistiges Eigentum, 
* Johannes Kreidler, Komponist und 
Musiktheoretiker (Hochschule fuer Musik und 
Theater Rostock, Hochschule fuer Musik Detmold), 
* Prof. Dr. Martin Kretschmer, Lehrstuhl fuer 
Informationsrecht & Direktor des Centre for 
Intellectual Property Policy & Management, 
Bournemouth University
* Udo Mager, Geschaeftsfuehrer Wirtschaftsfoerderung Stadt Dortmund
* Dr. Alexandra Manske, Institut fuer 
Gesellschaftswissenschaften und 
historisch-politische Bildung, Technische 
Universitaet Berlin
* Veronika Mirschel, Leiterin des ver.di-Referats Selbststaendige, Berlin
* Prof. Dr. Gerhard Pfennig, Geschaeftsfuehrender Vorstand VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
* Meike Richter, freie Radioautorin, Hamburg
* Marc Roebbecke, Heimatdesign, Dortmund
* RA Wolfgang Schimmel, Sekretaer im Fachbereich 
Medien, Kunst und Industrie, ver.di, Stuttgart
* Cornelia Sollfrank, Netz- und Konzeptkuenstlerin, Hamburg
* Dr. Felix Stalder, Dozent Theorie der 
Mediengesellschaft, Zuercher Hochschule der 
Kuenste, Vertiefung Neue Medien, Zuerich
* Christian von Borries, Dirigent, Komponist und Produzent, Berlin
* Manuela Zechner, Kuenstlerin, London


Dr. Inke Arns
Künstlerische Leiterin / Artistic Director
Hartware MedienKunstVerein
Güntherstrasse 65
D-44143 Dortmund
T +49 - 231 - 823 106
F +49 - 231 - 882 02 40
M +49 - 176 - 430 62 793

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