[spectre] Pure:dyne Code Sprint- Goto10 @ LABoral Centro de Arte y Creacion Industrial

Monica Bello monica at laboralcentrodearte.org
Fri Aug 7 10:43:53 CEST 2009

Pure:dyne Code Sprint- Goto10 @ LABoral Centro de Arte y Creacion Industrial
9th to 15th of August 2009

The artist collective GOTO10 gathers at LABoral this summer for an 
intense week of coding in support of the ongoing Pure:dyne project, 
which is underway at this very moment.

Pure:dyne is a GNU/Linux operating system developed by and for artists 
that offers a complete set of tools for processing audio and video in 
real time, making it an ideal work platform. Developed by GOTO10 
alongside a community of users, Pure:dyne includes the tools most 
frequently employed by digital artists, all in a coherently integrated 
format: Pure Data, Supercollider, Icecast, Csound, Fluxus, Processing, 
Arduino, amongst others. Used by artists, medialabs and universities, 
Pure:dyne is a powerfult instrument and a network structured for 
artistic production through the use of FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source 
*The LABoral ‘code sprint’ is one of a series initiated by GOTO10 to 
gather members from across Europe for seven days to work on new features 
and system developments. Sharing a common living and working space, away 
from distractions, this intense working method is popular in FLOSS 
projects to inject a lasting energy into volunteer developers who 
otherwise collaborate online.

The discoveries and advances made by the Pure:dyne team are to be made 
available and become a permanent part of the Platform 2 Multimedia 
Production Centre of LABoral.


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