[spectre] xxxxx_micro_research workshops: 8_Audiovisuals with SuperCollider//9_open_kirlian [TBC]

m m at 1010.co.uk
Mon Mar 2 17:01:16 CET 2009

A new series of workshops at xxxxx_micro_research [Berlin]; an
independent research centre focusing on the expanded construction and
experience of free software and open hardware.


March 7th 2009: Audiovisuals with SuperCollider [with Fredrik Olofsson]

March 14th 2009: open workshop [Kirlian photography] [TBC]

Forthcoming matter: 

software radio, hydrogen line, micro-cuisine, kitchen sink chemistry,
Kicad, EEG, fiction generation, thoughtography, microcontroller
hacking, python coding

Other events of interest:

Call for overheads: OHPen Surface. http://www.overheads.org/

Pure Data Basics: a Project-Oriented Workshop with Derek Holzer: 11-15 March. eNKa_NK at gmx.de 

... contact if you're interested in leading [un]-related workshops or
applying for a micro-residency.


March 7th 2PM 2009: Audiovisuals with SuperCollider [with Fredrik Olofsson]

syn-er-gy | noun | the interaction or cooperation of two or more
organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined
effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.


A one-day workshop in which we explore synergies in the form of very
direct and one-to-one relationships or mappings between sound and image.
The claim is that your music will turn out completely different as you
cross map with visual elements. And vice versa: your graphics will
look different as you code them to sound better. Audiovisual mapping
is a treasure chest of inspiration for control, generation,
organisation and systemisation of sounds. We will be using the free
software SuperCollider and, as a springboard, the article 'Audiovisuals
with SC' (http://www.fredrikolofsson.com/f0blog/?q=node/316). You will
learn how to make up your own synergies.

Intermediate level - some familiarity with SuperCollider required. You
should at the least know how to run and modify code examples.

--What to bring:

1) Laptop running Linux, OS X or Windows

2) SuperCollider 3 installed (version 3.2 or later): http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/

3) Headphones

4) 10 Euros participation fee [including food]

--About the Teacher:

Fredrik Olofsson, aka. redFrik, is a musician and developer who also
sometimes performs tricks with visuals and electronics.




Please email m at 1010.co.uk to reserve a place (strictly limited)



Workshops led by field-expert practitioners extend over realms of code
and embedded code, environmental code, noise, transmission and
reception, and electromysticism. Workshops solely utilise free
software and GNU toolbase.

Practitioners at pickledfeet have included Martin Kuentz
(prd at scrying.org), Julian Oliver (http://selectparks.net/), Derek
Holzer (http://soundtransit.nl), Jeff Mann (http://jeffmann.com),
Martin Howse (http://1010.co.uk), Fredrik Olofsson
(http://www.fredrikolofsson.com/), Florian Cramer
(http://cramer.plaintext.cc:70/), Brendan Howell, jo FRGMNT
grys(http://tob.de.vu/), mikomikona
http://www.zuviel.tv/mikomikona.html, Antony Hall (http://antonyhall.net)

xxxxx_micro_research, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119

U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl.
U8, Rosenthaler Pl.

Telephone: 3050187482. 

xxxxx_micro_research is supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Berlin 2009




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