[spectre] ZEMOS98 11th edition: Symposium Expanded Education - 22th - 28th March | Seville, Spain

"Pedro Jiménez | ZEMOS98.org" pedro at zemos98.org
Sun Mar 22 06:22:21 CET 2009

Symposium "Expanded Education"
http://www.educacionexpandida.org | http://www.zemos98.org

The 11th ZEMOS98 International Festival (22th - 28th March | Seville, 
Spain) focuses on the search for new forms of education that respond to 
the social and communicational processes arising from the Internet.

New digital culture is characterised by networked organisation, 
collective work, convergence culture, copyleft, etc. The fact that most 
of these processes haven’t been incorporated into conventional 
educational systems means that new forms of education aren’t taking 
place only – or even mainly – within formal schooling, and they are not 
being led by educational institutions. There are now countless artistic, 
scientific, communicational and educational projects of a cultural, 
social, digital and audiovisual nature, and these make up the 
cutting-edge of 21st century education - an expanded form of education 
that goes beyond the narrow, traditional institutional, thematic and 
methodological boundaries.

Media literacy merges with science and creativity to generate a third 
networked culture which places special value on design thinking, 
laboratories as working spaces, the idea of process rather than 
instrument, the blurring of boundaries between professional and amateur 
(the concept of pro-am), innovation as a driving force for knowledge and 
the commons as a research tool.

Education can happen everytime, everywhere. Inside and outside the walls 
of the academic institution. The context of the digital economy 
represents a new opportunity to recover the idea of reciprocity in the 
distribution of forms of knowledge.

The inspiration and the touchstones behind this symposium include Paulo 
Freire’s pedagogy of the question, Ferrer i Guardia’s rationalist 
schools, the evocative images of Zero for Conduct, political 
anarcho-syndicalism and anarchist education practices (from Kropotkin to 
Chomsky), video as a tool for social change, community media, free 
radio, telestreets and the theatre of the oppressed.

The symposium is structured in three main parts: lectures, project 
presentations and workshops.

1. The lectures will be presented by Jesús Martín Barbero, Brian Lamb 
and Ronaldo Lemos. They are - from different perspectives - actively 
involved in developing new educational models for networked, digital 
culture based on a critical and proactive attitude to traditional 
educational systems and paradigms. Martín Barbero will present 
“Educational City: from a society with educational system to a knowledge 
and learning society”; Brian Lamb will talk about “The urgency of open 
education: cheap thrills, radical reuse, and feed-frenzied learning”; 
and, finally, Ronaldo Lemos on “The Future Challenges of Education: 
Communities, Free Culture and Intellectual Property”.

2. The workshops will allow participants to implement many of the ideas 
behind the symposium, and allow an opportunity for “learning by doing” 
in a broader context than that usually offered by academia. If the 
lectures think in global, the workshops are working on local. The Bank 
of Common Knowledge is “a pilot experience dedicated to the research of 
social mechanisms for the collective production of contents, mutual 
education, and citizen participation”. Platoniq - responsible for this 
project - will work in a different context they are used to: the 
“Polígono Sur” in Sevilla, the cheapest site in Europe, very close (a 
bit more than 1 km.) to the most expensive site in Sevilla (”La 
Buhaira”). Is it possible to get this neighbourhood self-esteem back 
reconsidering the value of common knowledge further than inside the 
school?. A group of theachers from IES Antonio Domínguez Ortiz, 
platoniq.net, ZEMOS98 and different associations from the Polígono Sur 
have been working on this idea for 3 months, and will work intensively 
from 16th to 20th, March. They will present the experience on Wednesday, 
25th March in the 11th edition of ZEMOS98 International Festival.

In the Andalusian International University, the workshop “Introduction 
to the theatre of the oppressed” by Julian Boal will put into practise 
the idea of theatre “as means of knowledge and transformation of the 
interior reality in the social and relational field”. The Expanded 
Factory and Approximation to the creative process will complete the 
programme of workshops in this symposium.

3. The call for projects invited everybody actively working in education 
to present and discuss their experiences. The Festival has received more 
than 50 projects from all over the world and the list of selected 
presentations is available here. All of them are projects working on 
research process, experimentation, reflection and development of new 
educational models and learning environments.

* more information in PDF: http://tr.im/prog11
* english blog: http://unescochair.blogs.uoc.edu/

Pedro Jimenez
ZEMOS98 | Gestión Creativo Cultural
+34 954 22 74 93
+34 658 77 31 35
Festival Internacional ZEMOS98
Educación Expandida (22-28 marzo 09)

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