[spectre] xxxxx_micro_research workshops:17_18//Jamming through
Runtime with Valentina Vuksic//RFID sniffer and RFIDuino
m at 1010.co.uk
Tue May 19 16:18:22 CEST 2009
A series of weekly working groups and workshops at
xxxxx_micro_research [Berlin]; an independent research centre focusing
on the expanded construction and experience of free software and open
May 23rd 2PM: Jamming through Runtime [workshop [here] and performance
[General Public 9PM] with Valentina Vuksic]
May 30th 2PM: RFID sniffer and RFIDuino [with Marc Boon]
Forthcoming matter:
software radio, hydrogen line, micro-cuisine, kitchen sink chemistry,
Kicad, openEEG, fiction generation, thoughtography, org-mode
... contact if you're interested in leading [un]-related workshop.
May 23rd 2PM: Jamming through Runtime workshop and performance with
Valentina Vuksic
Jamming Through Runtime, a day-long workshop at xxxxx_micro_research,
expands and extends Valentina Vuksic's Trip(ping) Through Runtime,
inviting participants to join with both intrusive and non-intrusive
interventions into otherwise hidden, interior processes of laptops and
computer motherboards; a theatre or symphony of hard and soft audio
A collection of elderly laptops is being examined via magnetic pickup
microphones. The microphones transform the magnetic waves around the
various electronic parts of the computers. Each action upon the
laptops can be sensually experienced through a broad range of layered
sounds. Already plugging the power and booting up an operating system
reveals an own small-scale universe of sounds and provides insight
into the complex spare room emerging between hard- and software. This
space is being explored and further modelled by triggering actions on
purpose. System analysis tools, stress tests and custom c-programs
shall bring the characteristics of each machine into the
limelight. "Tripping Through Runtime“ is part of a longer-term study,
diving into the invisible interrelationships of hard and soft computer
matters by sensual means. The project aims at provoking and detecting
specific behaviour of individual computer components in match with
adequate software pieces. The microphone demonstrations are part of
the first experiments to become acquainted with the hardware
About Valentina Vuksic:
Valentina Vuksic [CH] studied New Media Art at the Zurich University
of the Arts and Information Systems in Germany. Important works have
included Harddisko, a noise and disturbance amplifier system for
harddisks, and Sei Personaggi Part 2, a play in computers.
Please feel free to bring:
- coils, microphones, pickups, other intervention technologies
- laptops of any age and make, motherboards, microcomputers
Fee: 10 euros (all materials and food!)
Please email m at 1010.co.uk to reserve a place (strictly limited)
The workshop [here at xxxxx_micro_research] will be followed at 9PM by a
collective performance at:
General Public
Schönhauser Allee 167c
U2 > Senefelder Platz
Workshops led by field-expert practitioners extend over realms of code
and embedded code, environmental code, noise, transmission and
reception, and electromysticism. Workshops solely utilise free
software and GNU toolbase.
Practitioners at pickledfeet have included Martin Kuentz
(prd at scrying.org), Julian Oliver (http://selectparks.net/), Derek
Holzer (http://soundtransit.nl), Jeff Mann (http://jeffmann.com),
Martin Howse (http://1010.co.uk), Fredrik Olofsson
(http://www.fredrikolofsson.com/), Florian Cramer
(http://cramer.plaintext.cc:70/), Brendan Howell, jo FRGMNT
grys(http://tob.de.vu/), mikomikona
http://www.zuviel.tv/mikomikona.html, Antony Hall
(http://antonyhall.net), Gijs Gieskes (http://gieskes.nl/), Alexei
Blinov (http://www.raylab.com) ua.
xxxxx_micro_research, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119
U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl.
U8, Rosenthaler Pl.
Telephone: 3050187482.
m at 1010.co.uk
xxxxx_micro_research is supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Berlin 2009
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