[spectre] UOC-LABoral online seminar: “Digital Culture and Entertainment: New Games and Players in Creative Industries”

Monica Bello Bugallo monica at laboralcentrodearte.org
Mon Nov 9 18:43:37 CET 2009

UOC-LABoral online seminar: “Digital Culture and Entertainment: New 
Games and Players in Creative Industries”
from November 18th to December 16th

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón, Spain

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial and Universitat Oberta de 
Catalunya (UOC) are organising a seminar “Digital Culture and 
Entertainment: New Games and Players in Creative Industries” whose 
mandate is to interrelate digital art and cultural practices with the 
general context of digital entertainment, while also providing an 
overview of the most significant and innovative intersections of gaming 
culture, new media and technology, with a particular emphasis on digital 
leisure. The seminar is a new addition to the activities of Mediateca 
Expandida, opened this October at LABoral. The idea is to explore the 
exhibition and research of audiovisual projects which will then be added 
to the holdings of the art centre’s mediatheque.

This seminar is a follow-up to the “Innovation in Digital Art and 
Culture” seminar held as part of the summer courses last July. Its 
mission is to study gaming culture’s impact on society. That is, the 
aesthetics, dynamics and logics of videogames, as well as how they 
relate with other forms of digital entertainment and cultural 
expressions, including art, cinema, television and music, that are 
adopting new models in the relationship between the emitter and the 
receiver of the media-driven message. In the entertainment society, we 
are all players and inhabit, create and define the various levels of a 
massive multiplayer environment.

The “Digital Culture and Entertainment” course will take place off-site, 
in the virtual campus, from November 18th to December 16th with the 
participation of renowned international experts such as Jose Luis de 
Vicente, Daphne Dragona, Domenico Quaranta, Raquel Renno, Pau Waelder. 
The seminars program are coordinated by Rosina Gómez-Baeza and Pau Alsina.

The course will have a duration of 25 hours. On completion, participants 
will obtain 1 ECTS credit. Full information is available at:

Enrolment in the course is open until November 16th, and may be 
formalised at:

More information:

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial
Los Prados, 121
33394 Gijón (Asturias) Spain
Tel: +34 985 185 577
Fax: +34 985 337 355
info at laboralcentrodearte.org

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