[spectre] International Artist Residencies Exhibit and MiniArtVideoFest, Budapest

Beata Szechy bszechy at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 12 08:37:12 CEST 2010

The Jokai Club and HMC cordially invite you 

International Artist Residencies Exhibit and MiniArtVideoFest, Budapest 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010 at 7:00pm
Opening remarks:  Dr. Katalin Geller & Beata Szechy - HMC

Exhibiting artists: Grace Adam, UK;  Lesley Ash, OH;  Terry Berlier, CA;  Neil 
Chowdhury, NY;  Michael Costello, MA;  Rebecca Cross, OH;  Sudhir Kumar Duppati, 
India/New Zealand;  Françoise Duresse, CO;  Annie Heckman, IL;  Paul Kohl, 
US/Singapore;  Ashley Middleton, NY;  Marian O’Donnell, , Ireland;  Esta Roh, 
IL;  Richard Soler, TX;  Brigitte Spiegeler, The Netherlands;  Daniel Temkin, 
NY;  Michael S. Thomas, IL;  Anna-Marya Tompa, UK;  Izumi Ueda Yuu, 

Dan Boord/Luis Valdovino, CO --- Tree of Forgetting, 8:43
Deng-Yao ChangHANG, Maryland --- I am killed by..., and I am killed by..., 
again... 6:14
Françoise Duresse, CO --- Queen Nappy & YoYo Yolanda: Black Jewels, 3:00
Annie Heckman, IL --- Cellar Door, 1:45
Jeff Murphy/ Heather D.Freeman, NC --- Any Parent Should Know, 3:48
Anna-Marya Tompa, UK --- If/volt, nem volt, 3:46

Jokai klub
1121 Budapest, Hollos ut 5.
Hungarian Multicultural Center, Inc.
Email: bszechy at yahoo.com
Web: http://www.hungarian-multicultural-center.com
Skype: bszechy

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