[spectre] Open call for works: 'Deleuze and The Lulz: Radical Emergence ... for the lulz'

Geraldine jerry.juarez at gmail.com
Sun Aug 22 22:36:07 CEST 2010

*Open call for the lulz

* *'Deleuze and The Lulz: Radical Emergence ... for the lulz' * is a bold
interdisciplinary journal that aims to challenge orthodoxies, encourage
debate, invite controversy, seek new applications, propose new
interpretations, and - above all - make new connections in the growing pack
of researchers who study Deleuze, and the lulz..for the lulz.

It is our conviction that the often incomprehensible abstract machines of
internet memetics, with its a-signifying mode of representation and
contagious flows of dissemination, require the most rigorous, advanced and
absolutely contemporary theoretical treatment.

Contribution to the journal may include experimental constructions of
Deleuzian theories of/for the lulz as well as themes explored by Deleuze
himself such as 'Lulz in the control society' or 'Wolfs in Lulz'.

Still, it is important to highlight that this journal is not another niche
to the already vast collection of "Deleuze and X" journals. This is not
about applying existing theory on a new, trendy field. Rather we want to
inject the intense, chaotic, adventurous and hyper-connected spirit of the
lulz into the nowadays lukewarm waters of internetional Deleuzian studies.
You can forget about bringing your cybernomadic-surfboard...because I eated

Since we aim for an interdisciplinary approach where diverse fields are able
to encounter each others practices, we encourage all internet celebrities,
artists, theoreticians, trolls, spammers and camers with an special interest
in the study or practice of the lulz to apply.. for the lulz.

Submissions will be IRC-reviewed by a board of prominent internet
expert-users* <http://zefside.org/#reviewers>with special competences
ranging from fields such as philolsophy, chanology, netactivism, hacking,
trolling, fashion, scripting and esoterism.

Written articles, graphic essays and pre-compiled coded work are eligible to
submit, preferably in english or similar global dialect.

* * Please note the editors will rid all works of any occurrences of
copyright licenses. *

The maximum lenght for written articles is 3000 max.
The maximum lenght for graphical essays is 3 pages.
The maximum size for coded works is 3 kilobytes.

Selected materials will be published in *'Deleuze and The Lulz: Radical
Emergence ... for the lulz'*. The journal will be available on print on
demand and freely on the interwebs in december 2010.

*Deadline: October 15th, 2010*

Submit your materials at *delulz at zefside.org*

**Internet Expert-Users Board*
(more to be annonced)

Magnus Eriksson <http://www.blay.se/>
Rasmus Fleischer <http://www.copyriot.se/>
m00t <http://www.4chan.org/news/?all#2>
Geraldine Juarez <http://www.simple-mechanisms.com/>
Leon Tan <http://mattermedia.tumblr.com/>
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