[spectre] CFP - artists/performers/researchers

Atau Tanaka atau.tanaka at ncl.ac.uk
Sun Dec 26 07:44:43 CET 2010

CHI 2011 Workshop: The user in flux: bringing HCI and digital arts together to interrogate shifting roles in interactive media 
Vancouver Convention Centre, Canada
7th and 8th May 2011

=== TOPIC ===

When interacting with digital media, people are no longer simply users.  They actively shift between various roles: author, collaborator, and even performer.  We coin the term "user in flux" to problematize static definitions of "the user" and highlight how roles and practices switch and evolve when people engage in such interactions.

The goal of this two-day workshop is to use interactive art as a platform to investigate how the concept of "user in flux" can be defined, considered, and targeted when designing for a participatory medium.  To encourage a multi-perspective dialogue we invite submissions from:
a) HCI researchers (from the CHI design, and user experience communities)
b) performers and artists who craft participatory content
c) media theorists exploring the role of the user in the digital world
d) hardware and software engineers who develop the technologies that facilitate nuanced and intuitive interaction

Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
- Approaches to understand the user in flux
- Concepts to articulate the practices and roles of a user in flux
- Technology design that could better support such users


The workshop is seeking two types of contribution. Applicants can submit one or more of the following:
1.    Position papers: descriptions of approaches to understanding or designing for the user in flux.
2.    Demos: demonstrations of technologies for participatory interaction addressing the idea of the user in flux. Demos are require to specify technical requirements and may include a video documentation. 
Workshop submissions should be prepared according to the standard ACM HCI Archive format (http://chi2011.org/authors/format.html#archiveformat). At least one author of each accepted submission must register for the workshop and for at least one day of the conference.
3. In addition to the two days of workshop activity, we will also be running  a separate performance and art installation event on the evening between the two workshop days.  Creative practitioners are invited to perform at this event. For the event we are seeking works that engage the public in collaborative, participatory interaction.  Submissions may be new work in progress or an existing work. Practitioners wishing to participate in this event are invited to submit documentation of the work, for example a video or audio recording of an existing performance event.  The selected submissions for the evening event will be presented alongside invited works from the local Vancouver creative scene.  The evening performances will be used as inspiration to frame the discussions on the 2nd day of the workshop and some performers will be invited to talk about their work at the workshop on the following day. Creative practitioners  can take part in the evening event alone, in which case participation is free. Alternatively they can take part in the full workshop, in which case they will have to register. 

Please send your submission (and inquiries) to: userinflux (at) gmail (dot) com

For videos and recordings, you can either email us a URL or send a hard copy (to be received by the deadline) to:

Tuck Wah Leong
Culture Lab Newcastle
Grand Assembly Rooms, King's Walk
NE1 7RU Newcastle upon Tyne, UK


Submission Deadline: 14th January 2011
Author Notification: 11th February 2011
Workshop Dates: 7th-8th May 2011

=== Organisers ===

Tuck Wah Leong (Culture Lab, Newcastle University)
Lalya Gaye (Culture Lab, Newcastle University)
Atau Tanaka (Culture Lab, Newcastle University)
Robyn Taylor (Advanced Man-Machine Interface Laboratory, University of Alberta)
Peter Wright (Culture Lab, Newcastle University)

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