[spectre] Zero Dollar Laptop at dorkbotlondon 17 March 2010.

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Wed Mar 17 15:31:20 CET 2010

Sorry for any cross posting...

Zero Dollar Laptop at dorkbotlondon 17 March 2010.

Hi there,

Tonight some of the Furtherfield (www.furtherfield.org) crew, Ruth 
Catlow, Marc Garrett and Olga Panades, Jake Harries from Access Space 
(www.access-space.org/) will be at Dorkbot - talking about the Zero 
Dollar Laptop Workshops, and the project itself.

The Zero Dollar Laptop Project aims to change the way we all think about 
technology. Workshops have been running in London since January 2010 
with clients of St Mungo’s charity for homeless people. We are recycling 
hardware, breaking Windows and installing Free and Open Source Software 
to build media laptops and create music, graphics and video for 
distribution over the Internet. Participants will leave the project with 
street-smart technical knowledge and a wireless enabled media laptop, 
classier than any shiny power-book.

The Zero Dollar Laptop is a recycled computer, running Free Open Source 
Software (FOSS) that is fast and effective- now and long into the future.


Also presenting at Dorkbot tonight is furtherfield's current artist in 
residence - Danja Vasiliev.

A Russian born computer artist currently living between Berlin and 
Rotterdam. Working with diverse methods, technologies and materials 
Danja (http://k0a1a.net/) ridicules the contemporary affection for 
digital life and questions the global tendency for cyborgination.

Co - creator of the Web 2.0 Suicide Machine - http://suicidemachine.org
Netless - to be without the net, to not have an internet connection - 

Time: 19:00-22:00, 17 March 2010
Where: Limehouse town hall, the boxing club, limehouse town hall, 646 
Road, E14 7HA (directions below)

More info about other guests tonight here:
.........dorkbot: people doing strange things with electricity..........

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