[spectre] ISEA2011 Istanbul Call for Papers, Panels, Workshops and Artworks

Lanfranco Aceti leonardo.electronic.almanac at gmail.com
Fri Nov 12 19:36:52 CET 2010

Dear Colleagues,

The Call for Papers, Artworks, Panels and Workshops for ISEA2011

Istanbul http://www.ISEA2011ISTANBUL.org
<http://www.isea2011istanbul.org/>is available at this link


The deadline for submission is December 01, 2010.

In order to stay in touch You can subscribe to ISEA2011 Istanbul and

Leonardo Electronic Almanac Newsletters following this link


The newsletters will provide you with information on upcoming projects

and events of ISEA2011 Istanbul as well as on the Leonardo Electronic

Almanac http://www.LEOALMANAC.org <http://www.leoalmanac.org/> which is the
publication venue of

the conference proceedings and selected essays.

Please feel free to disseminate widely.

With kind regards,

Lanfranco Aceti

Visiting Professor Goldsmiths College, London

Associate Professor in Contemporary Art and Digital Culture Sabanci

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