[spectre] help with a research project

J Rabie joe at overmydeadbody.org
Thu Apr 7 17:02:51 CEST 2011


I am currently working on research about place: what makes place - the 
sense of place - place and well-being.

I have a few questions which perhaps you might answer:

1) Which is the most romantic place that you know? (or places, if there 
are several).

2) (Optionally) - could you say why?

3) (Optionally) - where do you live?

Please note that your answers will be accounted for anonymously. If you 
agree, would you forward this short questionnaire to people in your 
circle who may be interested in answering? Ask them to reply directly 
to joe at joetopia.org.

Thanking you & best wishes -

Joe / Joseph Rabie

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