[spectre] Re: The Juxtaposium / open letter to event organisers

susanne jaschko sj at sujaschko.de
Fri Apr 22 12:55:53 CEST 2011

hi esther and friends,
a quick response:
just do it! if you think, a juxtaposium is a great idea, try it out. why 
do you need so called event-organisers to have this kind of event? the 
people who invented the pecha kucha did not write an open letter, hey 
just did it and it prooved itself to be a great format. maybe nobody 
would have believed it would. amsterdam is a perfect place i suppose, 
since some of you live there. NIMk should be open for such an 
experiment, they can use some more discourse orientated program. it's 
not much work to organise it, just invite some friends and colleagues 
and see if it works. certainly this is more fun than discussing the 
reasons for boredom and lack of innovation online. i would love to see 
what happens.
sunny greetings, as always,

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