[spectre] Cops & Robbers | Share Prize 2011 | deadline postponed

Simona Lodi simona.lodi at toshare.it
Mon Aug 22 16:33:51 CEST 2011

(soory for any crossposting)

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
it is a pleasure to announce the deadline to subscribe to Share Prize 
2011 has been postponed to *August 28th 2011*.Continue to subscribe!

The Share Prize, designed to discover, promote and support art in the 
digital age.
The contest is dedicated to artists that use digital technology as a 
language of creative expression, in all shapes and formats and in 
combination with analogical technologies and/or any other material.

The Share Prize this year will focus on the theme for the 7th Share 
Festival, entitled /Cops & Robbers/.

The theme takes its inspiration from the use of *appropriationism*, 
*activism *and *plagiarism *in art, which today has turned *fakes*, 
*mash ups* and *remixes *into an avant-garde artistic stance that flirts 
with what customarily is the wrong side of the law.

The six short-listed works will be invited to take part in the 7th Share 
Festival, to be held in Torino from *2nd* to *6th November 2011*, at the 
Regional Museum of Natural Science.


SUBSCRIBE ONLINE <http://www.toshare.it/shareprize/submit.php?lang=en>


Simona Lodi
art director
Cops&  Robbers | Share Festival
art in digital culture
2/6 November 2011
Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali
Torino - IT
SMIR Sant'Evasio
Multimedia Center
European Project Alcotra
Mondovì - Embrun
The Sharing
Via Rossini 3 - 10124 Torino (IT)
phone: 0039.011.588.36.93
skype: simona.share.festival

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