[spectre] Stochastic Composition and Synthesis, a SuperCollider seminar with Sergio Luque (Barcelona)

l'ull cec info at lullcec.org
Mon Dec 12 10:02:47 CET 2011

Sergio Luque.

With a focus on algorithmic composition and stochastic synthesis, this 
seminar will explore the functionalities offered by SuperCollider to 
sequence and control sonic processes in time. We will study the main 
classes involved (Event, Stream, Pattern) and develop a vocabulary of 
patterns to later create sonic and musical structures by combining 
random walks and distributions, tendency masks and Markov chains.

Sergio Luque is a composer of classical and electroacoustic music. He is 
currently completing a PhD in Composition with Jonty Harrison and Scott 
Wilson at the University of Birmingham. His main research line is the 
study and development of Iannis Xenakis’s stochastic synthesis 
techniques. In 2004, he received a Master’s Degree in Composition from 
the Conservatory of Rotterdam, studying with Klaas de Vries and René 
Uijlenhoet and, in 2006, a Master’s Degree with distinction in Sonology 
from the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, studying with Paul Berg and 
Kees Tazelaar. His music has been performed in Europe, the Americas and 
Australia. He is an active member of the Birmingham ElectroAcoustic 
Sound Theatre (BEAST). [ http://sergioluque.com ]

Friday 16.12.2011, 18.00-22.00h.
Saturday 17.12.2011, 11:00–14:00h, 16:00-19:00h
Sunday 18.12.2011, 11:00–14:00h, 16:00-19:00h

Location: Hangar. Passatge del Marquès de Santa Isabel, 40. Barcelona. 
Metro Poble Nou.

+info: [ 
http://lullcec.org/en/2011/tallers/composicio-i-sintesi-estocastiques/ ]

This activity is organized by l’ull cec with the collaboration of 
Consell Nacional de la Cultura i les Arts, Institut de Cultura de 
Barcelona and Hangar.


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