[spectre] Postgraduate course in cultural innovation UOC-LABoral

Lucia Arias serviciosgenerales at laboralcentrodearte.org
Fri Feb 25 11:06:21 CET 2011

Postgraduate course in cultural innovation: arts, digital media and popular
culture. Organized jointly by UOC and LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación


This postgraduate provides the basic concepts needed to understand and
analyse the changes and transformations related to culture and society as
well as knowledge about artistic and contemporary cultural productions. 


Programme: click


Directorate and Professors

Advisory Board

Derrick de Kerckhove, former Director of the McLuhan Program in Culture and
Technology, Toronto; Professor, University of Toronto and Faculty of
Sociology, University of Naples Federico II

Roger Malina, Executive Editor, Leonardo/International Society for the Arts,
Sciences and Technology, San Francisco; Director, Observatoire Astronomique
de Marseille Provence, Co-director of IMERA

José-Carlos Mariátegui, investigator, London School of Economics; founder,
ATA-Alta Tecnología Andina and Escuelab.org, Lima

Christiane Paul, Director of Media Studies Graduate Programs and Associate
Professor of Media Studies, The New School; Adjunct Curator, Whitney Museum
of American Art, New York

Rosina Gómez-Baeza, Director, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial,

Benjamin Weil, Chief Curator, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial,


Academic directorate

Dr. Pau Alsina, doctor in Philosophy, Professor of Art and Humanities
Studies, UOC, researcher, GRECS; director of Artnodes


Invited professors

Jim McGuigan, Professor of Cultural Analysis and Sociology, Department of
Social Science, Loughborough University, Leicester

Paul D. Miller aka Dj Spooky, writer, artist and musician, New York

Tiziana Terranova, Associate Professor, Sociology of Communications,
Department of American, Cultural and Linguistic Studies, Università degli
Studi di Napoli 'L'Orientale


Information and registration

www.laboralcentrodearte.org /  <http://laboralcentrodearte.uoc.edu>





Lucía Arias 

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial

Los Prados, 121

33394 Gijón

Asturias España

T: + 34 985 133 924

F: + 34 985 337 355

www.laboralcentrodearte.org <http://www.laboralcentrodearte.org/> 


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