[spectre] ~~> Keyboard- and Mouse-Hack Workshop, Berlin, 3. und 4. Juni 2011

wolfgang spahn post at wolfgang-spahn.de
Thu May 26 13:13:22 CEST 2011

Mouse and keyboard hack - the way for a simple and universal interface

Mouse and keyboards are among the best working interfaces for a 
computer. They work wireless or with USB, they are supported by most 
software and every OS. And the best is each of them has its own 
interrupt. Above all they are cheap and reliable. That’s why they are 
the perfect base for an artist’s universal interface. You simply must 
hack them!

In the workshop I’ll show you how mice and keyboards function. 
Furthermore I’ll show you how you can hack them and how you can connect 
those keyboards/ mice with switches and sensors. Additional I’ll show 
some tricks and circuit to turn of the “tilt-function” of a keyboard.

The workshop will enable you to use hacked keyboards and mice for 
creating your own interactive installation. It is although possible to 
develop a universal Arduino Mouse Shield, which allows the communication 
between software and an Arduino pretending to be a computer mouse.

The course language is German. Please feel free to ask questions in 

Time:....................Friday 3.to Saturday 4. June2011,11to5pm
Location:................Medienwerkstatt Berlin in der Druckwerkstatt,
.........................Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
Number of participants:..5 to 8
Charges:.................50 € + 10-20€ material
To bring with you:.......Laptop, old keyboards and mice
Lecturer:................Wolfgang Spahn

Infos und Anmeldung:

Lighttype Board_

Arduino Mouse Board:_


____________wolfgang spahn_______________________

____________kastanienalle 85_________10435 berlin
__Atelier:__gerichtstrasse 12-13_____13347 berlin
__030 39200060______________________ 0179 7935447

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